
How many ribs a horse has: structural features and interesting facts

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How many ribs a horse has: structural features and interesting facts
How many ribs a horse has: structural features and interesting facts

Video: How Many Ribs Does A Horse Have? 2024, July

Video: How Many Ribs Does A Horse Have? 2024, July

Horses are unique creations that have long fascinated people with their proud disposition, intelligence and graceful appearance. But not everyone thinks about the structure of these amazing animals. Every person who decides to be imbued with these creatures is simply obliged to know everything about their physiology. Before riding, it is necessary to study the structure of the horse’s body, as well as find out some interesting facts about them.

Features of the structure of the horse

The total number of bones in the skeleton reaches 205 elements connected in a sequential manner. The skeleton of a horse consists of 5 groups: chest, spine, pelvic and chest limbs, as well as the skull. The anatomy of the horse, the skeleton and the structure of the organs are individual. The whole body can be divided into two parts: axial and peripheral.

The most pronounced structural feature of the vertebrae and chest of the horse is the amazing mobility of the animal. Thanks to the work of many ligaments and joints, horses are famous for their characteristic flexibility and grace. That is why horses can make a huge number of movements, run fast, and cope with obstacles on the go. Skeleton bones are connected by fixed sutures and movable joints.


Horse skeleton and ribs

To have a broader idea of ​​the structure of the skeleton of a horse, it is necessary to disassemble each of these groups separately.

  1. Rib cage. The powerful chest of the animal consists of 37 bones. Looking around at the stately and graceful creation, everyone may wonder how many ribs the horse has. Their 18 pairs. The exception is the Arabian horses. These animals are slightly different from other relatives anatomy. How many ribs an Arabian horse knows, every professional breeder knows. These beauties have 17 pairs. The shape of the chest is slightly squeezed on the sides, but this does not seem less large and prominent. All ribs are fixed together by cartilaginous tissues. Therefore, horses are very mobile, because during inhalation they can immediately draw in a large amount of air.
  2. Spine. The number of vertebrae in a horse reaches 54 elements that are connected in series. Together, they form the spinal column. Depending on the breed of the horse, the number of vertebrae may vary. In the intervertebral region they have the spinal cord.
  3. Limbs. They are based on the humerus and pelvic bones of the girdle. The shoulder girdle consists of the shoulder blades, which ligaments and muscles combine the forelimbs with the chest. It should be understood that horses lack collarbones. The pelvic girdle consists of the pelvic bones connecting the limbs to the back of the body. The hind legs of the horse provide the entire body forward, while the front legs help the body lean and stand still. It is on the forelimbs that the severity of 60% of the weight of the animal is distributed.
  4. Skull. It includes 34 elements of strong bones in the form of plates. They are tightly interconnected by seams and completely motionless. That is why the skull of horses is very strong.

The development of the horse, as well as its physical health, depends on the development of the skeleton. All bones and muscles are fully formed in the animal by 5 years of life.


Horse head and neck

Having decided on the structure of the skeleton of the animal and on how many ribs the horse has, you can begin to further study these beautiful creatures. Their head is proportional to the body, but may differ in different breeds in their profile. All differences are explained by the individual structure of the facial bones. Breeders distinguish several of the most common types: pike, concave, hunchbacked, as well as a direct profile. The disadvantages of any breed include too small or large head.

The ears of horses can be of any shape or length. However, lop-eared is absolutely not allowed. This defect is considered the same marriage as an underdeveloped head shape. Eye shape - the bigger the better. Large and almond-shaped eyes are a significant advantage. Convex eye sockets allow horses to cover a wider viewing angle. The horse's nostrils should be large, and the distance between them should be wide. Thanks to this, the animal deeply inhales and exhales air, which also favorably affects its physical endurance and health.


Horse teeth

As for the teeth of these animals, there are many sayings. As well as the question of how many ribs a horse has, many are interested in why a horse does not look in the teeth. And if it’s easy to get information about the ribs of an animal, then everything is not so transparent about teeth. A horse’s mouth is inspected always and everywhere, and especially during the purchase of a horse. It is teeth that reflect the horse’s health status and age. Over the years, they change their color and shape. Many breeders can determine the age of an animal in 5 minutes by only looking into its mouth. But not only past years lead to their destruction. As in humans, the condition of the oral cavity in horses is largely dependent on feeding and care. Animals should be regularly examined by a doctor to prevent tooth loss or malfunction.


Horse torso

Due to the special anatomical structure, the horse's body looks incredibly graceful and elegant. Of the parts that make up the body, it is necessary to distinguish: neck, chest, back, lower back, croup, front and hind limbs. Each part has its own unique shape, which depends on the breed class of the horse. Heavy rocks have a massive body and a loose constitution. Riding horses are lighter, graceful and thin. Observing the variety of breeds and types of horses, many are wondering how many ribs horses have of one type or another. The answer to this question is extremely simple - 18 or 17 pairs. In determining the physiological structure of the skeleton of a horse, its breed plays an important role.


Horse limbs

The most spectacular and outstanding part of the exterior of the horses is their legs. Professionals can determine the possibilities of a future steed only by looking at them. Oblique and long shoulder blades denote representatives of riding horses. Long legs provide a wider and sweeping course, which means they increase the speed of the animal. A horse and harness are much easier to put on such a horse.

Too oblique shoulder blade may indicate a lack of breed, and too straight will give the legs a big load. For horse breed, the ideal angle of inclination of the shoulder blade is considered to be 90-120 ° C. Heavy rocks should have a slope of 120-130 ° C.


Hoof shape

Even the most ideal and thoroughbred horse cannot move and run without strong and healthy hooves. The working capacity and physical endurance of the animal depends on their form and condition. Healthy hooves should be even, smooth, without cracks and creases. Also, they should have a pronounced arrow. Each breed implies a special shape and size of hooves. In heavy horses, they are wider and more massive, while the heel is low and flat. Riders have long hooves and a high heel.
