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Touching greetings to veterans

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Touching greetings to veterans
Touching greetings to veterans

Video: "Thank You for Your Service" Compillation. Most Emotional Video. 2024, July

Video: "Thank You for Your Service" Compillation. Most Emotional Video. 2024, July

Thousands of people live in our country who deserve blood and then the honorary title of a veteran. Some of them went through the horrors of war, the second worked all their lives for the good of the fatherland, and the third were pioneers in many fields of science. All of them are our pride. That is why all the congratulations of veterans should be sincere and warm, so as not to disgrace the younger generation in their eyes.

Unfortunately, this is not so easy to achieve. After all, words are not always able to express all those feelings that reign in our hearts. Nevertheless, making congratulations to the veterans, it is necessary to do everything possible so that tears of joy still flow from their eyes.


Congratulations to veterans in prose

Many people think that a beautiful congratulation should be in verse. However, it is not. In fact, it’s important not what style the text is written in, but how many emotions are embedded in it. That is why genuine sincerity and warmth of feelings are much more important than the beauty of stanzas.

Consequently, congratulations to veterans in prose can be just as touching as rhymed. Here everything will depend only on the author’s writing skills, and his desire to put his soul into his work.

Respect is the foundation of everything

Regardless of what particular merits a person received the title of a veteran, one thing should be understood - it was not an easy way. In most cases, it was filled with a lot of suffering and titanic efforts, which are even hard to imagine now. That is why congratulations on the day of veterans from beginning to end should be saturated with respect and appreciation.


For example, on May 9 you can pronounce the following words:

“Our dear veterans, thank you so much !!! For your courage and courage, which gave us a peaceful sky above your head. For your unshakable steps forward, day by day approaching Victory Day. For us, each of you is a great hero. "We will never forget your exploits and accomplishments, and therefore accept our deep bow."

What cannot be forgotten

Humanity must not forget what its heroes did for it. So, the deeds and merits of our veterans should not sink into oblivion, at least during their lifetime. Therefore, congratulations to veterans should show not only respect for them, but also demonstrate that we do not forget their accomplishments. For instance:

  • “And on this day we remember everything

    What happened to you and the enemies

    Like in the forty-fifth, warm May

    There was a joyful call.

    The war is over, the fascist is defeated

    So, everything went as it should.

    We are only sorry for those who failed

    To live to this point.

    And now we are talking

    Thank you for this joy

    For a warm house, for the world around, Because you, dear ones, are with us! ”

Particular treatment of a female veteran

If the congratulation is for the woman, then even more appreciation should be shown. After all, just imagine what such a fragile creature had to endure, and what troubles fell on its fate. But these proud women not only did not bend, but overcame them, and, in spite of everything, became mothers.


Therefore, such congratulations to veterans should be very warm and gentle, because they are primarily addressed to a woman.

  • “How much you survived: war, loss and destruction, Nevertheless, they could survive, in fear of enemies and evil fate.

    And then they stood in those ranks who revived our power, By their work and faith in truth they returned to us their former glory.

    Now it’s our turn, thank you so much, For those sleepless hours, for work and long prayers.

    We will always remember you, to love and affectionately cherish, And here is our big bow, and a huge bouquet of red roses. ”

Congratulations from veteran teachers

Do not forget about those who earned their title not only thanks to courage in the war, but also to wisdom in peacetime. And more precisely, about the veteran teachers. It should be understood that the fighting brought destruction not only to cities and towns, but also to the minds of people.


At the end of the war, most children did not even know how to count, not to mention written skills. But good appeared those who wanted to fix it. The teachers of that time had a very difficult time, and yet they overcame all the hardships. Thanks to their efforts, Soviet children became standards of intellectual thought among many countries of that time. And you should always remember this.

So, what might be the congratulations of veteran teachers?

“The teacher is the greatest profession. After all, it is they who help our children gain the experience and knowledge that are so necessary for life. Therefore, on this momentous day, we want with all our hearts to wish you happiness, joy and health. Know, we have not forgotten about the great contribution that you made to the development of the intellectual heritage of the country. And so again with the holiday of you and your loved ones. "