
In Russia, pilots rescued a bear and left to live at the airport

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In Russia, pilots rescued a bear and left to live at the airport
In Russia, pilots rescued a bear and left to live at the airport

Video: A pilot brought up a bear cub - Amazing story of friendship between a bear and a man 2024, June

Video: A pilot brought up a bear cub - Amazing story of friendship between a bear and a man 2024, June

Mansour is a very friendly bear, which was sheltered by the pilots. He appeared here as a teddy bear and quickly won universal love. Despite the fact that he is a formidable predator, he is very affectionate and almost tame. Pilot Andrei Ivanov almost became his second father. This story confirms that even a wild beast can be tamed with love and proper maintenance.

Unusual resident

In Russia, at the Oreshkovo airport, there is an unusual resident - a bear, whose name is Mansur. He came to the pilots three years ago, went straight to the runway. The pilots who sheltered him joke that the teddy bear came to see the planes and decided to stay here. Mansour arrived in the spring of 2016 at the Orlovka airfield in the Tver region. He himself nailed to the people, the dipper around was not noticed.


The teddy bear looked bewildered, most likely, his mother was killed by hunters. The pilots who were at the airport could not resist and decided to shelter a little bear. Pilot Andrei Ivanov began to take care of him and feed him. Soon, Mansur became a universal favorite. He was very playful and friendly, even made friends with a local husky dog.


The teddy bear quickly got used to it and got used to the noise of airplanes and other equipment. You could even say I loved planes. For which he was nicknamed "air bear." The name that the pilots gave him is translated from the Altai dialect as “bear”, and from Arabic - “winner”. Also he was given a surname in honor of the airport - Orlovsky.

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Caring for Mansour

The curator of the teddy bear Andrei Ivanov began to learn to care for the bear on his own, cared for, and fed. It was necessary to gain knowledge about the habits of the bear, the features of detention in captivity.


For example, it turned out that bears should not be given chocolate. I had to limit those who wanted to feed Mansour sweets. In addition, the bear cannot live in a cage, it is crowded there, needs a full-fledged aviary. It turned out that it is better to keep a bear on a vegetarian diet.

Attempts to attach the beast

Of course, the newly made guardians understood that the bear should live in the forest. But to send a tamed teddy bear to the forest meant to doom him to death. Therefore, Andrei and his comrades began phoning zoos, looking for people involved in bears. But it turned out that there was no room for Mansour. There are enough bears in the zoos of the country.


In the end, they turned to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Unreliable people arrived. To give Mansour was very difficult. We agreed that the pilots would visit the bear cub, they really loved it.


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Treacherous deception

In order to find the little bear later, I had to conduct a whole investigation. It turned out that the pilots were deceived and, instead of the reserve, the teddy bear was taken to a pick-up station in the Kaluga Region. To get there, I had to say on the phone that you need to poison the dog. Thus managed to get to Mansour. He was glad to see his former guardians, jumped into his arms, began to hug. He looked poor, the teddy bear was poorly fed and kept in cramped conditions.

The rescue

The pilots of the young bear fed and bathed in the pond. Mansour shone with happiness, he again fell into his family. For some time the bear lived in Orlovka.


There he was fenced in a large territory so that he could play and feel free. Then he was transported to Oreshkovo, here he will have a new aviary and his own trees.