
Military leader Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov: photo, biography and achievements

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Military leader Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov: photo, biography and achievements
Military leader Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov: photo, biography and achievements

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Yuri Pavlovich Maximov - a famous Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union, retired to the reserve with the rank of army general. In the 80s, he commanded the Southern Strategic Direction, and later served as Deputy Minister of Defense.

Officer Biography


Yuri Pavlovich Maximov was born in 1924. He was born in the small village of Kryukovka on the territory of the Tambov province, now this settlement is part of the Michurinsky district of the Tambov region.

Russian by nationality, in 1933, serious changes took place in the family and biography of Yuri Pavlovich Maximov - together with his parents, he moved to the village of Barybino, which is located in the suburbs. By 1939, he graduated from the seven-year school in Barybino, and already during the Great Patriotic War he became a graduate of the school in Domodedovo in 1942.

Participation in the war


In the very first months after the Nazi invaders attacked the Soviet Union, Yuri Pavlovich Maximov was sent to build fortifications on the outskirts of the capital.

He was drafted into the Red Army in late summer of the 42nd. Maksimov was identified in a machine gun school, which he graduated in 1943, and then received a referral to the army. He fought on the Southwestern Front, commanded a machine-gun platoon in the Third Guards Army. During the battle on the North Donets River, he was seriously wounded. He remained unconscious for a long time. This happened in July 1943, in the part of Maximov they were considered dead, even they sent the funeral to his relatives.

But in reality, the hero of our article was saved, and when he was discharged from the hospital, he went to front-line courses to improve the qualifications of officers. He returned to the front in 1944, commanded a machine gun company on the Second Ukrainian Front. After the Germans were driven out of the territory of the USSR, he liberated Austria and Hungary. In 1943 he joined the party, which helped with his promotion on the career ladder

As a result, during the war, Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov was wounded three times and received three military orders.

Career after the war

When the war was left behind, Maximov decided to remain in the army. In the Carpathian military district, until 1947, he commanded a machine gun company, and then went to study at the academy. He needed to be educated in order to count on the highest posts in command of the Soviet army.


In 1950, Maximov received a diploma from a graduate of the Frunze Military Academy. He served as an operator of the western direction, and then in the operational management of the General Staff. In 1953, the hero of our article commanded a rifle battalion, then was the chief of staff in the 205th rifle regiment, deputy commander of a motorized rifle division, held leading positions in the Southern Group of Forces, which was based on the territory of Hungary. In 1961, he was appointed the primary headquarters of the motorized rifle division in the Carpathian region.

Moving up the officer's career ladder, he did not forget about education. In 1965, he graduated from the military academy of the General Staff, receiving a gold medal.


By the 60s, the military leader Yuri Pavlovich Maximov firmly took a place in the commander of the Soviet army. The year 1965 was significant in his biography, when he was sent to Arkhangelsk to command the motorized rifle division, which was assigned to the Leningrad Military District. Since the spring of 1968, he spent a year on a business trip abroad. He was sent to the Republic of Yemen as a military adviser. There he performed his international duty, as official channels of Soviet propaganda later said.


Returning to the Soviet Union, he was appointed first deputy commander of the 28th Army, which was part of the Belarusian Military District. And in 1973 he was transferred to Central Asia. Then he began to lead the Turkestan military district.

In 1976, Maximov was sent on another overseas business trip. This time, lead a group of Soviet military experts in Algeria. He returned to his former post at the very end of 1978, and at the beginning of the next he was appointed commander of the Turkestan military district. By then, he was already in the post of Army General Yuri Pavlovich Maximov. Wikipedia talks about this fact, a detailed account of the biography and the fate of the officer is in this article.

In 1979, another promotion - Maximov became Colonel General.

War in Afghanistan


When in 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan, a protracted and bloody conflict began, which lasted for ten years. He entered the Soviet historiography under the name Afghan war.

The main military operations in the territory of this Asian country were conducted by the 40th combined-arms army, which was part of the Turkestan military district. By that time, the hero of our article had commanded them. The headquarters and command of this Red Banner District solved a range of issues related to replenishment of personnel, supply of troops, timely supply of weapons, direct preparation for hostilities.

Together with the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union, troop commander Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov and his assistants developed the preparation and conduct of large-scale military operations. As an already experienced participant in foreign military missions, Maximov was sent directly to Afghanistan, where he stayed for quite some time.

Honored Award

Authorities praised his work in this post, considering it successful. As a result, in 1982 a decree of the Supreme Council was issued on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov.

The order emphasized that such a high rank was awarded to him for fulfilling the tasks assigned to his army, as well as for the heroism and courage shown. Then the hero of our article received another rank, becoming the army general.

Recent years in military service

In 1984, Maximov was appointed commander in chief of a group of forces located in the southern strategic direction. In the summer of 85, he was appointed deputy minister of defense of the USSR, by which time he had already returned from a foreign military mission to Afghanistan. He lived in Moscow.

As deputy defense minister, Maximov was responsible for strategic missile forces, in fact was the commander in chief of these troops.


After the August coup that took place in 1991, he remained one of the few military leaders in the whole country who retained his post and privileged position. The country's leadership appreciated his experience and professionalism, and therefore did not dismiss, among many other military leaders.