
Lolita Richie's Living Doll - New Internet Star

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Lolita Richie's Living Doll - New Internet Star
Lolita Richie's Living Doll - New Internet Star

Video: Lolita Richi Real Life Barbie Girl Without SURGERY From Ukraine 2024, June

Video: Lolita Richi Real Life Barbie Girl Without SURGERY From Ukraine 2024, June

What is behind the craze of people to look like living dolls? Dozens of plastic surgeries, strict diets, tons of make-up - that’s what those who chose Barbie and Ken as their idol just don’t do. Ideal faces and figures often look intimidating, but their owners find it ready to adore their audience.

Odessa doll Lukyanova

Everyone knows Valeria Lukyanova - Odessa Barbie, who considers herself a creature from an alien planet. The unusual appearance of the girl has long been the subject of discussion in the media. She assures that her attractiveness is the result of heredity, the right lifestyle and spiritual practices. And detractors are counting the number of plastic surgeries performed by a girl.

Despite the lack of all the early photographs of Valeria on the World Wide Web, sometimes the pictures of the most ordinary girl pop up without a sophisticated nose, huge eyes and an incredibly thin waistline made during the “pre-puppet” appearance. The Ukrainian woman admits only of breast augmentation, and advises all the spiteful critics to pay attention to her deep inner world.

New Barbie

Lolita Richie, which will be discussed today, is a serious competitor to Valeria. The young lady, whose ideal body proportions repeat the Barbie doll forms, is gaining popularity on the net. Fans call their idol a living doll that you want to admire.


Born in 1998 in Kiev, the future internet sensation has an ideal figure and a pretty face. She also denies any surgical intervention in the figure and takes pride in a truly wasp waistline with a volume of only 44 centimeters. Moreover, the owner of a bright appearance does not sit on diets and eats whatever she wants, without fear of gaining unnecessary weight.

Dream to become famous

Girl-Barbie says that she never played dolls in her childhood, but, on the contrary, she was always a real tomboy who adores boyish hobbies. She answers all the journalists' questions about the competition in the person of Lukyanova, that she never even heard of such, although, most likely, she is cunning. The girl is determined to become famous around the world, believing that she is a real vamp woman, more than anyone else, looking like the most beautiful doll on the globe.

Candid snapshots online

By the way, she came up with her name, borrowing it from the work of Nabokov. I must say that a lively Barbie doll often puts provocative photos on the net, exciting its fans and taking pride in its huge chest, coupled with a thin figure. Such candid pictures are taken by her mother, who admires her sexy daughter. The woman who had previously played in the theater fully endorses all the actions of the eccentric Lolita. Now she is only engaged in promoting her daughter in the networks, investing in her whole soul and money.


Counting on incredible popularity in the future, Lolita Richie said that until some time she did not pay attention to how she looked. With age, she realizes that she needs to focus on the doll appearance, giving herself the resemblance to Barbie with bright clothes, make-up and wigs inherited from her mother-actress.

Impeccability in everything

Denying an appeal to plastic doctors, she gives advice to everyone who is dissatisfied with their appearance, to go under the surgeon's knife. “Girls just need to look perfect, they must be impeccable in everything and carefully take care of themselves, ” says Lolita Ritchie.


The living doll, which has moved to Turkmenistan, is confident in its beauty and knows that many envy its attractiveness. While studying at school, she collected declarations of love for all the boys, but she did not single out anyone, saying that they were all not in her taste. Having many admirers, the young beauty wants to see only a courageous companion with her, overcoming all difficulties for the sake of her beloved. But so far she has not met this.

Criticism and envy

Claiming that she never retouches her photos, the Barbie girl is proud of the perfect figure, inherited, according to her, from nature. She feels great in the role of a doll and is photographed only in this way. Stating that her present appearance is an exceptional merit of her parents, she incurs a barrage of criticism and unflattering remarks in her address. New pictures posted on the network are carefully studied by ill-wishers who are sure that not a single one of them did without Photoshop.

Lolita Richie, who admits that she uses contact lenses to make her more like a doll, does not enter into discussions, calmly referring to human anger and envy. A little regretting her too small growth, not suitable for a modeling career, the girl dreams of becoming a professional psychologist. Her ultimate goal is to become famous in any way, and I must say, she does it.