
Who are the columnists and what is their work

Who are columnists? The answer to this question is few people know. However, it should be noted that without them there would not be something without which a modern person can rarely do, - the press.

Why Ukrainian journalist Alena Berezovskaya moved to Russia

In order for a young and beautiful girl to become an outstanding journalist, one has to go through a lot of obstacles. First, everyone needs to prove that beautiful and smart are compatible things. Secondly, around the young, beautiful and talented there are always a lot of rumors and gossip.

People, fleeing from the heat, built an underground city: what their homes, church and shops look like

Did everyone build a hut in childhood? As a rule, it was built in an inconspicuous place so that no one could get there. They set any traps or assigned a secret, code word for entry. Now imagine all this on a city scale.

Correspondent Evgeny Poddubny: biography and interesting facts from life

Journalism is one of the most important professions in the twenty-first century, and all because modern life obliges a person to own information. At the same time, each representative of the media is a kind of mouthpiece that brings to the masses details of various events, as well as analyzes incidents and political news.

The Briton read the letter found in the bottle and wanted to find the author

On February 19, a British man walking a dog on the beach found a letter in a bottle that had apparently drifted in water for nearly 82 years. Nigel Hill spoke about his find. He simply went out for a walk on the beach when he discovered a glass bottle with a letter dated September 5, 1938.

How is a world breath holding record set? Guinness World Record

The most necessary need for the life of any organism is oxygen. Recently, however, man has been proving that under certain conditions he is able to do without air for a long time. The most trained people set a world record for breath holding.

The girl bought a vase for $ 1 in a second hand. Then she found out that she had bought $ 100,000 worth of antiques.

Sometimes even the most ordinary vase can bring a fortune to its owner. At the same time, you can buy such a seemingly useless little thing even in a thrift store for just $ 1. That is exactly what the girl from eastern England did. Now she can soon become the owner of a fortune of 100 thousand dollars.

Internet media is The concept, types, audience and development prospects of Internet media

The article talks about the features of online media. It provides a description, features, examples and audience of the new channel for disseminating information, as well as a comparison of network media with traditional types of media.

The white whale, which appeared in the waters of Norway, may be the "agent" of Russia, according to experts

On April 25, a Norwegian fishing vessel came across a beluga whale. This would not be anything special if the safety belt and GoPro camera fixing equipment were not attached to the body of the whale. The Norwegian security services contacted scientists from the Russian expedition, but they assured that they did not use white whales for their research. Now the Norwegians think that beluga whale has sailed from the base of the Russian Navy, located in Murmansk.

The supermarket cashier told how they break their eggs at the expense of customers.

The cashier of a large supermarket chain in the city of Irkutsk told reporters about the features of her profession, and to be more precise, about how store employees cheat customers in the queue. Some even manage to break through their red caviar. However, first things first.

A 54-day-old man sailed along a lake teeming with crocodiles to set a world record

If you, just like me, don’t understand why people risk their lives, endanger their health in order to set a new world record, which, it would seem, will be forgotten in a few weeks, even if it’s written, in which a famous record book, this article is for you.

The newlyweds did not have money for a beautiful photo shoot. After many years, the daughter fulfilled her mother’s dream, wearing a men's suit

63-year-old Chen Zhaolian (Chen Zhaoliang) lives in Hubei Province (China). She always wanted to hold a wedding photo shoot with her husband, but the newlyweds did not have the opportunity to hire a photographer on the day of their wedding, they simply did not have money. All her life, the woman worked, took care of her family and hoped one day to get beautiful wedding pictures, but the dream crashed when her husband passed away.

Is an obituary an indicator of a person’s life?

Even half a century ago, the word obituary and its meaning were known to everyone. Now only a few remember or know what it is. An obituary is a message about a person’s death, including general information about his activities, character, life position, etc. At the request of the customer, it can include many additional information.

24 years old, as there is no Listyev: little-known facts from his life

The first day of spring 1995 was filled forever with the Russians and shook them to the core, since it was on March 1 that the murder of Vladislav Listyev, a well-known journalist and TV presenter, was committed. And still it is considered one of the most high-profile crimes of the 1990s.

A woman bought an old teddy bear on sale: when she heard his “voice”, she realized that he could not belong to her

Message transmitted through a plush toy. As the voice of a man who conveyed greetings from Afghanistan, he seeks his addressee throughout America.

High school students against the dress code. Pupils favor abolition of form

At all times, students had to wear uniforms. Previously, it was not always convenient and was often bought several sizes larger, which, of course, could cause indignation of children. And modern school looks are quite stylish and comfortable. So why do high school students begin to oppose centuries-old norms?

Voting on the side of the girl caused a stir among the owners of Primorye

The traffic police of the Primorsky Territory decided to conduct a curious experiment. It was decided to implement it in the city of Vladivostok, since the settlement is less than the capital of Russia in the number of cars. The purpose of the experiment is to find out how prepared the drivers are to help another person who is in a difficult position on the road. As a "bait" was a young girl.

Every day strangers come to the hotel to pay for a room for the homeless

In childhood, many of us are happy. Even if there is no abundance in our lives, childhood memories are full of light and warmth. With adults, things are different. Growing up, we cannot avoid difficulties with the business we plan to do, the search for a spouse or work. We all face resentment, betrayal, loss, and stress. One of the biggest problems for most people is to lose a loved one, mom and dad, housing and work.

A girl from high society and the founder of the School of the Rich told why she would not marry the poor and how to become one of the elite

What are your requirements for a potential partner? Whatever they are, in the end everything turns out like this: you fall in love with a person, he falls in love with you, and you already feel the disadvantages. However, this is not about the Swedish blogger girl and Instagram star Anna Bay. This person considers herself a representative of high society and assures that she would never love and marry a beggar.

Why is Natalya Morar forbidden to enter Russia?

One of the most important figures of modern Moldavian journalism is Natalia Morari. The girl gained immense fame thanks to her work on television, as well as public campaigns dedicated to the 2008 parliamentary elections. She is also an opposition to the Russian authorities, for which she was denied entry to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The boy gained 13 kg in two months, and classmates began to laugh at him. When they found out why he was doing this, they felt ashamed

Some of the actions of people seem strange to us. We do not understand any actions, condemn or ridicule the opponent, but there is always an explanation for everything. In order not to feel embarrassed, it is worth finding out the true reason - this will allow you to see another side of the situation.

Young monarchs who will one day rule the world

In about two dozen states of the world, monarchs rule. Unlike presidents, the people do not choose them - power belongs to them by birth. The current crowned rulers will be replaced by their children, grandchildren, etc. Who are the future monarchs of various countries of the world? We represent the younger generation of blue bloods who will soon ascend the throne.

Classmates laughed at her because of her appearance. The girl made 13 suspenders and lost weight - what she looks like now

Very often, the resentment that people accumulate in themselves from childhood becomes an incentive for them in adulthood. This is exactly what happened with Xiao Bin. The girl suffered for a long time because of the ridicule of others, but she did not allow someone else's anger to destroy her life. Xiao Bin made 13 suspenders and lost weight. Show how she looks now.

They took the problem seriously: in the Polish village, only girls are born. Scientists are trying to solve the riddle, and the mayor has appointed a reward for the birth of a boy

In one of the Polish villages for several years only girls were born. For what reason this happens, it was not possible to find out. While scientists are trying to find answers to questions that concern them, the mayor has appointed a reward for the couple in which the boy will be born.

Sudden Wealth: A 31-year-old man inherited a luxurious mansion after doing a DNA test

A social worker inherited one of the wealthiest estates in Britain after DNA analysis confirmed that he was the illegitimate son of an aristocrat who owned the estate. 31-year-old Jordan Adlard Rogers from Helston in Cornwall moved to the luxurious Penrose National Trust mansion with an area of ​​620 hectares, which is estimated at 50 million pounds (more than 4 billion rubles). This event in the life of a young man happened after the death of 62-year-old Charles Rogers.

Social journalism: concept, meaning, key issues

In modern civil society, social journalism is of great importance. It is an instrument of public control and regulation of various processes. Worldwide, journalism is an integral part of democratic governance. With the advent of the Internet, this phenomenon has new possibilities.

The role of the media in modern society and in shaping public opinion

Society has repeatedly noticed how great the influence of modern media is. Television, newspapers and magazines, radio and the Internet - all of this is so familiar to each of us that we tend to trust any written word.

Jakub Koreyba: biography, personal life, family of a Polish journalist

The doctor of political sciences cannot be stupid, and if he says something, then he must pursue certain goals. The biography of Yakub Koreyba has been written since 1985. It was then that the future scandalous, but talented journalist was born, who is often discussed and which causes any feelings, but not indifference. He was born in the Polish town of Kielce. He studied first at school, then at a general lyceum, after which he studied international relations at the University of Warsaw.

Lucy Green - radio host of Silver Rain: biography, real name, interesting facts

Lucy Green is a popular media personality who should be aware of a lot. However, this is not the case. All the available information about the girl is just what is taken out of the context of her statements in various interviews and broadcasts. For example, once she said that she was born on June 22, 1982 in a small ordinary Soviet family.

Disabled cyclist challenges wilderness at Wuhai International Cycling Competition

Wang Yonghai lost his leg in a car accident when he was 19 years old. Once, by sheer chance, he found a para-cyclist training taking place near his home. Inspired by what he saw, Wang decided to train and subsequently became a regular participant in cycling competitions for people with disabilities.

Is the editorial board the heart or brain of the publication?

The editorial board or editorial board is a team of experts that determines the editorial policy of the publication, approves and adjusts the content of the next issue, its content and decoration.

Mom was worried what would happen if a child swallows a battery, and decided to check on the sausage

Doctors have long been sounding the alarm, warning parents about the dangers of acquiring battery-powered toys. The product must be of high quality so that the child cannot open the compartment with a mini-battery inside. Otherwise, irreparable may occur.

At school, the boy was bullied for his love of books: his Instagram account attracted more than 300,000 subscribers

Callum Manning from a town in northeastern Britain wanted to share his thoughts on the reviews of books he had read. But when people started sending abusive messages to group chat, he became depressed.

Results of the work of the police and the incident in Kazan

Over the past day in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, there have been many accidents with victims, as well as criminal proceedings have been instituted regarding previously committed crimes. The incidents in Kazan were of a diverse nature, but it is worthwhile to dwell on some of them.

For almost 50 years, a woman was looking for her mother. And when she found, it turned out that she had never refused her

We are part of our parents, whether we like it or not. We inherit their appearance, traits, talents, and behavior. Quite often, children who learn that they grow up in a foster family tend to find their relatives to see them, to find out, to find out the reasons for their absence in the life of the child. Next, we learn the story of a woman from Scotland who spent almost her entire life searching for her biological mother. She had many questions for this woman.

“I was scared, but I don’t want to go home”: the story of an American student stuck in the center of Wuhan

For almost a week, 21-year-old American student Nicholas Schneider tried, but could not get out of Wuhan. He had to linger in this deserted Chinese metropolis due to the coronavirus epidemic. A strange calm reigned in the bustling streets of the city with a population of 11 million people, where Schneider studied geodesy at Wuhan University.

Every day this man crosses the river: he hurries to the children who are waiting for him

His name is Abdul Malik, he is 40 years old and has been a teacher for almost 20 years in a primary school in Malappuram, Kerala, India. For many years of work, Abdul showed his sincere love for children and an enviable sense of duty. In order to get to work, the teacher every day crosses the river by swimming.

An employee of McDonald’s opened an institution for the sake of a client at night. Soon a reward awaited him

Truly conscientious employees are those who know how to put themselves in the shoes of the client. Sometimes a human attitude can save lives.

As if from another planet: people whom nature has awarded a unique appearance

It seems that we are no longer surprised. The screen of a laptop or smartphone has long been a window into the world where you can see everything that the soul desires or does not wish. And yet there are photos on the web that are fascinating. Let's look at a selection of photographs of people with unique looks.

The information revolution - what kind of process is this, what is its role?

Today, quite often you can hear arguments about the information society and the so-called information revolution. Interest in this topic is due to significant changes that occur almost daily in the life of every person and the world community as a whole.

Nurburgring record. 5 fastest Nurburgring cars

Nurburgring is a small village in Germany. It is famous for its unique race track, which regularly holds races among vehicles of various categories. Everyone here wants to set their own Nurburgring record. So who are these record holders?

The boy invited all classmates to the name day, but no one came. Sadness was replaced by joy when mom posted a post on social networks

A six-year-old Teddy from Arizona received social media support after a heartbreaking snapshot was posted: the boy was sitting alone at a birthday party. None of those invited to the celebration came. The birthday boy invited his classmates to celebrate his birthday at the pizzeria on Sunday, but none of the guys appeared.

Reading before bedtime, frequent going out, or 6 ways to slow down aging and feel young again

Few people want to experience the aging process in their own experience. People want to stay young and energetic for as long as possible. However, age takes its toll, and over time, not only wrinkles and gray hair become signs of old age. But there are a few simple techniques that can help delay the aging process and prolong youth time.

Sergey Leskov: biography, journalistic career and personal life

Sergey Leskov is a well-known journalist who leads one of the programs on the popular OTR television channel. In his program, he touches on and raises the most acute and topical problems of modern society. His judgments about politics, public life and society are of interest to a large army of spectators.

Dmitry Kostyukov: the transition from journalism to photography

Dmitry Kostyukov is one of the most talented photojournalists of the modern generation, who managed to see a lot in his life.

Sungorkin Vladimir Nikolaevich: biography and career

Sungorkin Vladimir Nikolaevich - a professional journalist. He began working in newspapers since Soviet times. Chief editor of the KP newspaper and general director of the closed joint-stock company Komsomolskaya Pravda. Founder of the publishing house of the same name.

Chechen top model: what brothers from Chechnya look like when they conquered the world podium

Interest in Muslim culture has not faded away for several years, and Muslim models conquer world catwalks. The Dulatov brothers from Chechnya are among the most sought-after models of the modern fashion industry and collaborate with the main fashion houses.

Russian military vehicle and another 3,000 vehicles. A hitchhiker told me on which transport he travels around the world.

Traveling for $ 80 around the world? This is not a dream, and Jules Verne! But the young American decided that this was his chance to see the world, and hit the road.

"Good Samaritan" leaves packages with $ 2,600 in the village: the police and residents are trying to find the unknown

A lot of good is happening in the world, it just is not always illuminated. For example, it was recently revealed that a good man appeared in Durham County, who leaves large amounts of money right on the street, and does it all the time. But instead of joy, local residents turned to the police. But have they done the right thing? You will learn from this material.

Air crash in the United States: causes, investigation. Last plane crash in the USA

Air crash in the USA: why are they falling? The main cause of air disasters: the human factor. The last disaster of 2013 in North America.