
Game of chance: how the life of a homeless person has changed due to the fact that he picked up a piece of paper on the street

A ruble coin, a lost glove, a losing lottery ticket - these are the things that we find on the sidewalk. But when we see a small piece of paper in the middle of the sidewalk, we subconsciously hope for a happy occasion that will magically change our lives.

Secrets of the deep sea. Titanic, Bermuda Triangle

For modern man, the water element remains one of the greatest mysteries in the world, since only 5% of the world's oceans have been studied by people. Innovative technologies and expensive research using bathyscaphes made it possible to partially explore the unique world under a multi-kilometer layer of water, opening the curtain to the secrets of the deep sea.

Rockefeller David: "Heart transplant opens a new breath"

Heart transplant, which once again recently experienced David Rockefeller, again riveted close attention to him. Today he is not only a public person, but also an object of observation of the luminaries of medicine from around the world. What is so unusual in his story?

Vadim Karasev: life and political career of Ukrainian political scientist

Karasev Vadim is a political scientist, author of many scientific articles and dissertations. Today he is one of the most famous Ukrainian scientists working in the field of politics. However, despite its popularity, many consider him a charlatan, since Karasev’s forecasts do not always coincide with reality.

Grandparents never talked about the secret safe they had: the family found it when they decided to sell the house

It turns out that in the last century, people had a more creative approach to the safety of their own property. One family was preparing to sell the house in which their grandparents used to live. During the inspection of housing, they found a secret room in which there was a safe.

Russian journalist Kuritsyna Svetlana Igorevna

Our heroine is the journalist Kuritsyna Svetlana, she is Sveta from Ivanovo. Her biography and personal life interest many fans and envious people. All the necessary information about it is presented in the article. You can begin to familiarize yourself.

Advisor to the President Vladimir Tolstoy: biography, work, life

Now in our large and prosperous country - the Russian Federation - there are not many people who can really be called members of the government who do everything not for themselves, but for their beloved country, for the people living in it, for all who supported them and supports to this day. But such people still exist. And one of them is Advisor to the President Vladimir Tolstoy.

What is the stupidest Guinness record?

The readers are presented with a short review, which presents the most stupid records from the Guinness Book of Records.

The oldest practicing surgeon in the world: at the age of 91, Alla Ilyinichna Levushkina performs about 4 operations per day

An amazing woman works in the Ryazan hospital - this is the proctologist surgeon Alla Levushkina. She will soon be 91 years old, but she continues to work and carries out several operations a day. What is the secret of its performance, we will tell in the article.

The Olympic champion felt that she was a man: after years, the truth was revealed

In 1918, on November 20, a child was born in the Ratgen family living in Bremen. The midwife, who took birth, for a long time could not determine the gender of the newborn, but in the end announced the birth of a boy. After a couple of minutes, having examined the baby's genitals, she changed her mind and said that a girl was born.

6-year-old Alina Yakupova from Moscow conquered the world with her appearance (photo)

Instagram users recognized the 6-year-old baby girl from Russia as the most beautiful girl in the world. People from different countries, without saying a word, awarded the victory to the little girl, whose charming face has appeared on the covers of glamorous magazines for several years.

The girl used an unusual way to avoid the abduction, and it worked!

A 12 year old girl was going to a bus stop for a school bus. Suddenly an unfamiliar man honked and stopped a car near her. The man invited her to ride together. The girl was seriously scared, she realized that this could be an abduction

How to get a journalist’s identity?

And you were not interested in the question of why in some museums where it is forbidden to take photographs, you can often see journalists who are shamelessly taking pictures?

Increase productivity, earn more, become happier: 9 problems that can be solved by an early morning lift

A very large percentage of the world's population does not have joyful feelings for the early morning rises. It is normal for them to rearrange the alarm several times, only to sleep 10 extra minutes. However, it is worth revising your attitude to the early climbs. By constantly waking up early, you can solve several problems that prevent you from enjoying every day.

Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk - The Best Review and Critical Scientific Journal

The scientific journal Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk is a periodical monthly publication. It is considered the most cited edition of the Russian scientific periodicals to date.

Content analysis of the text. Method and its description

Content analysis is necessary in order to identify certain trends and facts in the content of documents that interest the reader. This method of text content analysis also helps to identify the personal characteristics of the author and occurs in several stages. Media content analysis has its own unique system of categories.

Rodniki newspaper, Mytishchi: address, opening hours, correspondents, articles and print runs

The appearance of newspapers in our lives has brought many positive aspects. All information about the life of the city, country and the world can be read by simply purchasing this paper edition. Interestingly, what attracts the attention of the population to the newspaper Rodniki?

Having made three holes in the melon, the man caused a storm of ridicule from the side. But they bring him profit

The proverb “foolish fool” was relevant at all times. When the man made three large holes in the winter melon, which is also known as a wax pumpkin, his friends burst out laughing. But after only a couple of hours, they were imbued with respect for his inventiveness.

The man believed that he would marry an ideal woman. The truth about the dark past of the spouse was revealed only after her passing away

Kimberly Macklin was born on October 16, 1968. But a woman died under the name of Lori Ruff. And no, she is not a spy, not a victim of blackmail, not a witness under protection, but a simple American who, for reasons unknown to anyone, tried to escape from herself. The husband, who spent many years with her, found out about the secret of his wife only after her death.

Konstantin Vadimovich Remchukov, Russian journalist: short biography

Konstantin Vadimovich Remchukov is a well-known Russian businessman, politician and journalist. Editor-in-chief, CEO and owner of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Former State Duma deputy. This article will present his brief biography.

Media Features

The functions of the media in politics today are vast and multifaceted, which allows us to talk about the media as another branch of government.

How does the dying tribe of reindeer herders from Mongolia live, which still believes in shamans (photo)

Hamid Sardar Afhami is a scientist who photographs the life of the nomadic people of northern Mongolia. He has a Harvard doctorate and is fluent in Tibetan and Mongolian. Maybe that’s why he was able to document the way people live so accurately. His works provide a unique opportunity to plunge into the everyday life of this small people of the Tsaatans, who survive alongside deer. Such unprecedented photographs are worthy of the attention of every person.

Viktor Shenderovich: a brief biography

The screenwriter of the popular TV show "Dolls" in the 1990s cannot be seen on federal television channels today. Viktor Shenderovich is actively involved in opposition activities, runs a program on the radio and writes notes in popular publications.

Hudson crash landing: accident on January 15, 2009

One of September's most anticipated premieres is the American film Miracle on the Hudson, directed by Wedge Eastwood. Todd Komarnika’s scenario is based on the true events of January 15, 2009, when pilots of the New York – Charlotte (North Carolina) flight made an emergency landing on the Hudson of an US Airways aircraft 308 seconds after takeoff. The article is devoted to one of the few aviation incidents that cost no casualties due to the flawless actions of the crew.

Vitaliy Portnikov: the life of a Ukrainian journalist

Vitaliy Portnikov is a well-known Ukrainian journalist and public figure. Over many years of work, he was repeatedly awarded honorary prizes and titles. In addition, Vitaly Portnikov’s articles are published in the most respected publications of the country, and TV shows with his participation collect a serious audience.

The stranger left something at the doorstep and left: the hostess of the house is sincerely grateful to him

When someone suddenly starts spinning around your house, it becomes unpleasant and even scary. Indifferent people warned one woman about a suspicious stranger near his house with a strange object in her hands. It turns out he came in peace.

Prisoner of the transit zone: the guy, as the hero of the movie "Terminal", has been living at the airport for 2.5 months

Prisoner of the transit zone - he is the young man who has been living in the airport terminal for more than two months because of bureaucratic delays. About this - today's article.

Climatic apocalypse, lack of poverty: a look into the future, or What the world will be like by 2030

Predicting the future is the profession of astrologers. But forecasting the development of science and technology is a more serious matter, and scientists and businessmen working in the most advanced, rapidly developing branches of science and technology are doing this. Humanity has stepped into a new decade. By the twenties of this century, several very promising areas have been created that will continue to develop, leading to new achievements by 2030.

Life after death Tales of survivors of clinical death

Life and death are what awaits everyone. Many say that the afterlife exists. Is it so? How do people survive after clinical death? About this and much more in this article.

The stranger on the train gave the girl an envelope with the inscription "Count to 10 and open"

A mysterious note that frightened the girl to goosebumps: what did this strange stranger want from her?

People showed funny pictures of their failed online purchases.

When making purchases on the Internet, users should be prepared for the fact that they will not receive at all what they originally ordered. This photo collection perfectly demonstrates how careful you need to be. Expectations and reality sometimes diverge tremendously.

The guy heard a woman in line calling him fat - he found a way to take revenge on her without resorting to insults

The man posted a post on Facebook with a story about how a woman in line called him fat. He did not take the stranger's words to heart, but decided that she needed to be taught a lesson. Without resorting to insults, the man deftly avenged her, having received words of support for his resourcefulness.

Maxim Kalashnikov - writer, politician, journalist

Maxim Kalashnikov - writer, politician, producer, host, futurologist. In his books, Maxim criticizes the current government, discusses the inevitable failure of the ruling elite. He gives historical facts and, building on them, builds a model of the future of Russia.

A homeless woman asked for alms on the street for many years. After her death, it turned out that all this time she was a millionaire

A poor woman named Fatima Othman lived for many years on the street and asked for alms. However, after her death, it turned out that the beggar was actually rich.

Vladislav Flyarkovsky - a talented journalist and television presenter

Vladislav Flyarkovsky is a Russian journalist and television presenter. The head of the studio "News" on the channel "Culture". Voice Radio Lighthouse. This article will describe a short biography of the presenter.

Media rating: news agencies, radio stations, TV channels and newspapers

One of the important indicators of the success of a magazine, newspaper, radio station or Internet portal is the citation rating. The value is calculated as the number of published links to the material of a particular publisher or TV channel on third-party resources (in social networks, on blogs, forums, on news and thematic sites), divided by the number of days in a month and rounded to hundreds.

Isabel Preisler - socialite and loving mother

The first thing that strikes in it is captivating light brown eyes. She seems to enchant you with her expressive look. How does she manage to remain so magically beautiful in her 64s?

A man found his mother and found out that she named her restaurant by his name

The story of Nobu Ouchi from Shizuoka (Japan) and a man named Bruce is sad and surprising at the same time. Mother and son always remembered and thought about each other, despite the circumstances. And this allowed them to finally meet. But first things first.

The woman gave birth to a healthy child at age 60. Muscovite gave birth to 60 years old (photo)

According to statistics from the Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, most women give birth at the age of 25-29 years, pregnancy after 45 years is generally considered a rarity. But recently, an amazing event took place in Russia: a woman gave birth at the age of 60. As you can see, there are exceptions to all the rules.

Sknilovskaya tragedy during the air show

Fourteen years ago, one of the worst events in the history of modern Ukraine happened - the Sknylivsky tragedy. On July 27, 2002, at the Sknilov airport, which is located near Lviv, an air show was held in honor of the 60th anniversary of the 14th air corps of the Ukrainian Air Force. Then, a Su-27UB fighter crashed into a crowd of spectators and exploded. There is still debate over who really is to blame for the deaths of 77 people.

It has always been interesting why Pringles chips are the same size. It turns out that the matter is not in potatoes, but in the test

As a child, I often wondered why all the chips in the Pringles box are the same size, because the potatoes have different sizes. Having matured, I realized that they were not made from whole potatoes, which confirms the composition indicated on the package.

Touching moment: the speech of the bride's father at the wedding made the groom cry

Many fathers escorting their daughter to the altar make genuine and felt speeches. But we will tell about one whose performance instantly became viral on the Web. In the comments, followers call this speech the best ever. Let's figure out why.

Political columnist and journalist Valentin Zorin: biography

Valentin Zorin is a Soviet and Russian journalist, American historian, author and host of television and radio programs on central television channels, writer, scientist. He was the master of domestic political journalism and a good person.

Burning paper bikinis for deceased ancestors is a new trend in Vietnam

The traditions of some countries surprise tourists a little. This happens especially often in Asia, where the mentality of the local population differs markedly from ours. If you are going on a trip to Vietnam, then it would not hurt you to learn more about local trends.

They are on an apricot diet and give birth at 65: how do the healthiest people in the world live

How to save a modern person from cancer: it may be worth taking an example from the residents of the city of Hunza (Pakistan). The secret of their longevity and the absence of residents with cancer lies in the apricot diet.

Journalist Alexander Prokhanov: biography, personal life, family

Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography can be found in this article, is a well-known Russian writer and public figure.

Online discuss a resident of Novosibirsk, who walks a child on a leash

The first thing a modern person does when he sees something strange and unusual is he takes out a smartphone and starts taking pictures. So, with someone’s light hand, a video of ambiguous content got into the network. A woman leads a child on a leash. Naturally, this sparked heated discussion.

Mikhail Gorbachev did not manage to save the Soviet Union, but secured the life of his descendants: how did the fate of his only daughter

Mikhail Gorbachev did not save the great power from decay. However, he took care of the well-being of his daughter and granddaughters. Today, they all do not live in poverty, they live well and are completely satisfied with their fate. But it all began very modestly.

For several years, these ordinary people have been impersonating millionaires.

In the era of the Internet, everyone can become a millionaire. In our article, we will talk about those people who managed to fool their subscribers by creating the image of wealthy people. Who are these pseudo-millionaires?

Osetinskaya Elizaveta Nikolaevna, journalist: biography, personal life

Bright, independent and intelligent Elizabeth Ossetian is simply doomed to universal attention. This also contributes to the profession of a journalist. Osetinskaya Elizaveta Nikolaevna for her age has a powerful professional experience and an impressive track record. She is not afraid to change jobs, constantly learns and knows how to maintain friendly relations with her colleagues. Therefore, she has all the prerequisites for a brilliant career.