
Love on the background of coronavirus: how was Valentine's Day on the quarantine ship

Things on the ship have changed significantly. Passengers make their own beds, clean their toilets themselves, receive food only in the room from the crew members in gloves and masks, and count down the days until February 19, when their quarantine should end.

Stones, old boards from the fields, lanterns from an abandoned railway. A man built an authentic house out of waste: how it looks inside

In 2000, a man from Montana developed an original and attractive home design. The style differs from others in its unusualness and comfort. The ranch house is located, with an area of ​​almost four hundred square meters. Naturally, the house is comfortable for relaxing in the fresh air. The project uses various reconstructed building materials.

Leontyev Michael. Hello, however!

In his economic views, Mikhail Leontyev is a radical liberal, and in political views, an ardent anti-communist and anti-Soviet. He considers himself a dissident. Who is he really?

The first champagne in Russia was made by the Cossacks: curious facts about the domestic sparkling drink

Champagne … Today, no decent holiday is complete without it. Initially, the drink, of course, appeared abroad. But over time, he migrated to Russia. I wonder how it happened? It is believed that the pioneer in the production of champagne was an aristocrat named Lev Golitsyn, who at the end of the 19th century developed Massandra, the New World and Abrau-Durso. But according to another version, experiments on the production of champagne in Russia began as early as 1799.

For the first time in the history of mankind, older people are more than newborns: experts understand how this will affect society

According to the UN, for the first time in the history of older people in the world more than young children. Their numbers show that at the end of 2018, the number of people over 65 exceeded the number of children under the age of five. Currently, there are about 705 million people over 65 on the planet, and about 680 million people between the ages of 0 and 4.

Where did Putin fish in Tuva? Putin in Tuva (photo)

Where did Putin fish in Tuva? Where did Putin go fishing? Photo of Putin in Tuva, where he was engaged in underwater fishing. What did Putin do in Kamchatka?

Ilya Krasilshchik: biography and photos

In this article, you will meet a hero such as Ilya Krasilshchik. Here you will learn about his childhood, youth, education, and career growth.

Money is not happiness: a homeless man found $ 17,000, but did not leave it for himself, but donated it to a food bank to feed those in need

You never know where you will find where you will lose. In one of New York's public gardens, a homeless Kevin Booth searched on the benches for the remnants of the morning breakfast of the townspeople: here you can often find still burning hot unfinished coffee in plastic cups, sandwiches and donuts from bakeries nearby. However, he found something more than a fresh snack: on one of the benches lay a bag with $ 17,000.

A waitress who escaped from the USSR by swimming: the story "Girls in a Red Bikini"

In January 1979, a strange girl in a red bikini appeared on the beach near Sydney. The girl turned to the first person he met, explaining on her fingers that she should get to the police station. It turns out that the name of this mysterious stranger is Liliana Gasinskaya. As it turned out, she escaped from the ship in order to seek political asylum.

Vegetarians hangover more than those who eat meat: study

Following a vegetarian lifestyle can have various benefits - from improving health to helping the planet, but a new study found one possible drawback - a severe hangover.

Yuri Rozanov - a popular sports broadcaster

Yuri Albertovich Rozanov is one of the most famous sports television commentators who works only at hockey and football matches. His career, biography and successes on television are all about this article.

Xavier Hollander: author and heroine of erotic novels

The notorious writer and journalist, a former representative of the "oldest profession" Xavier Hollander revealed to her readers many professional secrets of the "priestesses of love." Despite public opinion about prostitution, her books completely on the other hand reveal the intimate world of a woman who perfectly knows the art of seducing men

Examples of complete information. How to search

You can keep the situation under control only with full information. This applies to almost all areas of life. The availability of information about individual stages will not be sufficient to achieve the task as a whole.

A waitress from Minsk became the second wife of an Arab sheikh, then he also found a third: how her life turned out

Slavic women find it difficult to understand the traditions of Islam. They are used to dogma: one husband - one wife. But there are exceptions in life. Sometimes love for a man can cause the female sex to completely change her mind and plunge into the pool with her head, surrendering to passion and feelings. Apparently, this happened twelve years ago with the Belarusian beauty Natalya Aliyeva.

The journalist visited the Bolivian tribe, whose residents, according to studies, have surprisingly healthy hearts: his impressions

A few years ago, CNN journalist and medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta found out about a tribe living in the Amazon rainforest. Tsimans (as the inhabitants of this tribe are called) have almost no signs of heart disease. Previously, the Japanese were considered the owners of the healthiest hearts, but now their title passed to the inhabitants of this Bolivian tribe. Sanjay went to South America to find out the secret of healthy hearts.

5 Taiwanese flight attendants who did not think that their beauty would be admired

The stewardess is precisely the profession that requires the girl to always look her best. High growth and regular facial features are some of the main criteria in the selection of personnel. These five girls exceeded all expectations: they definitely top the list of the most beautiful representatives of this profession!

Japanese villagers solve the demographic problem in an unusual way

The village of Nagoro, securely hidden in a mountainous Japanese province, is known to the whole world, although until recently no one even suspected its existence. Guilty of a doll that suddenly hit the village. But not ordinary, but human growth, which literally replaced the inhabitants of an abandoned village in the wilderness.

What is the media, their characteristics

The media are channels of attracting people's attention. Through them, most sellers try to influence consumer preferences. What is the media? This is television, the press, radio, the Internet and more. Consider each of the species separately.

The Russian "slumdog millionaire" - a lonely old man who gave all the accumulated money to children

A Russian slumdog millionaire named Yevgeny Popov walked his life with honor and accomplished a noble deed that even many real billionaires cannot boast of. We will talk about this amazing person in the article.

The woman mixed up the phone number and called the cafe instead of social services. However, the staff came to her aid

By dialing the wrong number, you may find yourself in an awkward position, however, a woman from Florida is ready to tell the world about her mistake, because this error has a very moving story. The story of human indifference and active empathy.

"Test call", NTV: how to contact, write?

You were denied the provision of services in government agencies? Do not know where to turn, who to complain about and how to find a council? Contact the project "Control call" (NTV). You will learn how to do this in this article.

Marina Litvinovich, political scientist and journalist. Biography, professional activity

Litvinovich Alekseevna Marina, a Russian journalist, public figure, human rights activist - an example of women of modern times. She understands the Internet, expertly conducts political activities, organizes journalistic investigations, but at the same time Litvinovich realized herself as a wife and mother, she looks excellent and finds time for a hobby.

For several decades, it lay under the linoleum in the library: the lost letter found the sender's family thanks to social networks

Not every letter finds its addressee. In certain cases, it can be found almost immediately. In other situations, the letter has to wait decades for its time. A similar situation occurred in Australia, where the letter found its owners only 125 years after writing. Relatives of its author called the incident a real miracle.

Wit or sacrilege? In Poland, a statue of Jesus distributes the Internet

January 21, 2010 in the Polish city of Swiebodzin officially opened the world's tallest statue of Christ. From the bottom to the top - 52 meters. The impressive sculpture serves as a beacon of faith for 21 thousand inhabitants of Swiebodzin, as well as … an antenna broadcasting the Internet and a signal for mobile phones.

Chilingarova Ksenia: the south and north poles of life

Chilingarova Ksenia was born in 1982 in Moscow. According to the girl, she grew up in a family of a real hero, because her father is a famous traveler Arthur Chilingarov, a hero of Russia, a famous polar explorer and organizer of many expeditions to the Arctic.

"The Bride from Istanbul": Turkish series loved by the audience, based on a true love story

On March 3, 2017, the first episode of the series Bride from Istanbul was released on the Turkish Star TV channel. For two years, viewers in Turkey and far beyond have been watching the joys and troubles of the Boran family. In the near future, the last series will be released, and your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. But we can definitely say that the Bride from Istanbul will forever remain in the hearts of fans. This is one of the best series in the history of Turkish

Nikolai Kononov: biography and books

Is it possible to "do business" in Russia? According to the NAFI study, almost 49% of the population believes that it is impossible to conduct business honestly in our country. Many are sure that for this you need to be a millionaire, possessor of power or have extraordinary abilities. Is it so? Nikolai Kononov in two of his books talks about entrepreneurs who have done business from scratch.

Why is the media called the fourth power in society?

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the media. You need to live at least on a desert island in order not to have access to news from the outside world. The media have always existed, however, they have reached the greatest development in our time, and continue to develop along with science and technology.

Christmas spirit: the postman made one family happy when she answered a letter to Santa Claus from a boy who asked for food and clothing for his family

Christmas and New Year is a magical time when the most cherished desire can be fulfilled. But sometimes magic has nothing to do with it. Ordinary human kindness and indifference to other people's problems can illuminate the holiday. So one postman found the letter of a nine-year-old boy and made his holiday happy.

A man woke up in the house of an unfamiliar woman who called herself his wife: an explanation was found much later

Imagine a typical morning. You wake up in a strange house, a strange bed, unfamiliar children walk around you who consider you to be their parent. It seems that this is the most interesting setting of the new Hollywood film. But no, sometimes this really happens. 42-year-old American Adam Gonzalez once woke up in a strange life.

Famous journalist Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov

Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov is a journalist whose biography raises a lot of questions from the public, for all his publicity he is a rather private person. He believes that his private life should not interest anyone, but people want to know the details of his professional and personal path. We will tell you about how Andrei Kolesnikov came into the profession and took place in it, and about his personal life.

Woman stuck in a damaged car. Suddenly a stray dog ​​appeared out of nowhere and dragged her to the road

The fact that the car of Shannon Lorio had an accident in the forest, not far from the place where her future hero wandered, is almost a miracle. The dog received the well-known nickname Hero and became a real savior of a woman in trouble. The dog was homeless and fell in love with forests in the state of Georgia, which became his home.

Equipment will be developed in Russia to help research DNA and search for missing people

People in Russia disappear quite often. And it is no secret that precisely these cases are considered practically unsolved, since there are paradoxical contradictions in the law. For example, when you come to the police to say that your son, father or other relative has left and never returned home, you are asked: How many days have passed since the disappearance? And it turns out that you can start looking for the missing only after three days. But the more time has passed, the more hopeles

Writer's Legacy: How Ernest Hemingway's Famous Cats Live Today

The Ernest Hemingway House Museum on Key West attracts fans of the writer's work, writers, historians and, of course, cat lovers. On the territory of the mansion there are about 50 individuals who freely walk both inside and out. The descendants of Hemingway cats were recognized as the national treasure of the United States, and it is about them that will be discussed in the article.

Who is the feuilleton player? Features of the profession of a satirical writer and its origins

It so happened that the feuilletonist is a profession, which only a few are able to master. Indeed, this work requires the writer not only the competent use of words, but also the ability to subtly manipulate the image. Alas, such criteria lead to the fact that only the most gifted authors write in the feuilleton genre.

Cave Casanova: the loving Thai boasted a new girlfriend from Russia

The Thai man, known for living in a cave on Koh Phangan Island and publishing his photos on the Internet, suddenly appeared on national news after he talked about how he managed to invite a Russian woman to his home. He was a minor Internet celebrity and simply posted a post on Facebook that quickly became viral. Read more about this below.

The woman often remembered her youth, so on the hundredth birthday a cow was brought to her

The heroine of our story turned 100 years old. Relatives gave the woman the most unusual gift, which she could not imagine.

Zubchenko Alexander - a famous Ukrainian journalist with a capital letter

Zubchenko Alexander is famous for his wit and wit. He writes articles on various topics. But his main hobby is domestic and foreign policy.

Bar for two: the husband turned the old garden into a tropical paradise for a wife who cannot go on vacation

One of the residents of Foggy Albion seriously thought about where he and his wife should go on a long-awaited vacation. The most desirable for him seemed to be a trip to exotic countries, to warm lands, mysterious jungle. Only how to carry out the plan, if work and pet do not allow to escape to distant lands? The Englishman found a way out and turned the old garden into a tropical paradise for his wife.

Honest young people found and returned a lost bag with $ 5,000: a secret pocket helped

If you have lost your bag at least once in your life, then you know how much a person who has no money, a passport and other necessary things has to endure. And if this happened in another country, then it’s a very bad thing. The chances that you will return the lost thing are very small. And it’s good when the situation is resolved in a favorable way.

What is a report?

The genre of reporting has been unusually popular in the Russian and foreign press since time immemorial. No self-respecting publication can do without it, because the report opens up many informational and descriptive opportunities for the journalist, which help to convey to the reader the maximum amount of information about any actual social reality event.

The man was "stuck in the 70s," but a week before the wedding he decided to surprise the bride: she was happy to see the reincarnation of her future husband

Some stylists do real miracles. So it happened this time. The man was helped to abandon his outdated style and completely transformed his image.

Homeless found on the street $ 10,000 and returned them. Immediately his life changed dramatically

This homeless man found on the street a check for 10 thousand dollars. Instead of taking money, the guy returned it to the owner.

How to write a story: an example and recommendations

The article considers reporting as an informational journalistic genre, its types and structure. Tips for writing materials of various orientations are given.

Every day a man cleaned the runway of an abandoned airport. It once helped save dozens of lives.

When many people do something, there is a logical explanation for this. But sometimes the behavior of some people does not obey the laws of logic. This happens on an intuitive level. This phenomenon is often associated with a certain apprehension. This is exactly what happened with the head of the runway, Sergei Sotnikov.

Why a working person needs a 3-day weekend: the opinion of scientists

Everyone who works full time knows how he doesn’t want to go to work on Friday. It seems that by this time the person has already run out of all energy, and he simply cannot work with the required efficiency. Researchers argue that the 4-day workweek has its advantages, and talk about the downsides of the 40-hour workweek.

The gas station in Samara came up with a strange advertising idea: free gas to everyone who put on a bikini. Men also

The mind does not understand Russia! So foreigners think. And it's true, there are a lot of incredible and interesting things on the territory of our country. Yes, and the Russians themselves are an unusual nation, which does not occupy ingenuity! Take at least one gas station in Samara, which came up with a very fun marketing move.

Beauty without a burqa: how attractive are the wives of Arab sheikhs. Photo

Women in Arab countries are in a special situation, unusual and conceived, incomprehensible to Europeans. In their life there are a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. However, women in the families of Arab rulers live in much better conditions. They do what they like, advocate for equality and a human attitude towards the female sex.

The waitress fed the truck driver: he compared her with his mother and left a generous tip

Keri Anthony is a courageous young woman. She brings up three children alone and after a long search finally found a job as a waitress in a roadside restaurant. It can be difficult to work here, but Keri realizes that this is the only opportunity to feed her family.

Power Balance - a divorce or the truth? How to distinguish an original from a fake?

Despite the fact that energy bracelets have flooded the whole world for a long time, more and more questions are heard about what Power Balance is - a divorce or is it true? Many attribute this to the fact that they bought a fake. In order to protect yourself, you need to know a few facts cited in the article.