
"Just stay home": a Japanese company is ready to pay good money for participating in a social experiment

Russia is not surprised by reality shows related to observing the lives of heroes. Factory of stars, Behind glass, The last hero - you will not remember everyone. However, the Japanese went even further - they announced the launch of an experiment related to round-the-clock observation of the life of an ordinary average person.

Mass media is the press, radio, television as the media

The media, the media, the media consumer are very influential in the developing information revolution. They also have a great influence on political processes. It is mass media, or mass media, that contribute to the formation of public opinion and views on the most important political problems. Using the media, the source data is transmitted visually, verbally, by an audio signal. This is a kind of broadcast channel for a mass audience.

Economic news Khabarovsk

One of the main economic news in Khabarovsk in April was the signing of a protocol of joint activities between the government of the region and the Amur region. Thus, the previously signed interregional cooperation agreement was supplemented.

Victoria Vantoch - famous American writer

Victoria Vantoch is not only the wife of the famous film actor. This smart and cheerful woman with an adventurous character and an amazing sense of humor is also a wonderful author of two books popular in America. She also publishes a lot of articles in the press on topics mainly related to history, architecture, social relationships and sex.

Daniil Dondurey: biography, photo, family

Daniil Dondurey - a person who is able to accurately analyze films and honestly express his position - proved the need for the profession of “film critic”.

The smallest couple on the planet proves that physical disabilities are not a hindrance to happiness

What is life like for Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katyutia Lee Hosino, a family from Brazil, in a world of tall people? The smallest couple in the world, whose height is 88.4 cm and 89.4 cm, respectively, got married in 2016 and never regretted their decision. Together it is easier to housekeeping and deal with everyday problems. For example, it is difficult to use household appliances, open doors, windows.

Reality or optical illusion: during the fire in Paris the Lord God appeared (photo)

The whole world witnessed a fire in which part of the Cathedral, which had been a symbol of France for many centuries, burned down. The cause of the fire has not yet been established, but some people claim that they witnessed unusual phenomena on that tragic day.

The young man invited the girl to celebrate his birthday, but instead he made her an offer in a helicopter

You want the marriage proposal to be memorable, right? Therefore, it is not surprising that some people do everything possible to make it spectacular. Varun Bhanot, 28, invited his girlfriend Anisha Set to take a helicopter ride to celebrate his birthday. But instead, a surprise was planned for her.

The yacht of Patriarch Kirill. Where did Patriarch Kirill get a yacht from? What does the ROC say about the personal yacht of Patriarch Kirill?

Luxurious transport always causes veiled and unreasonable conversations. Especially when it comes to ministers of the church. So the yacht of Patriarch Kirill in 2011 made a lot of noise.

Human information activity as a key to progress

Information activity of a person is a complex multi-stage streamlined process. But, despite its various types, in the global sense it comes down to one thing - progress through the use of accumulated knowledge.

The stranger wanted to lure a teenager into a car. The boy’s reaction was lightning fast

Duncan, a 12-year-old boy, was returning home from his cousin when a man approached him on the street and tried to lure him into his car. This situation is probably the worst nightmare for every parent. The stranger tried to seduce Duncan by offering him sweets.

Lauren Sanchez - talented presenter of Fox

Wendy Lauren Sanchez is a journalist for one of Fox's most famous American television channels. Some consider her a very ordinary person, because over the many years of her career as a reporter, she was not able to ignite her star of fame. But the truth is that, even without universal recognition, Lauren Sanchez is a very influential person on American television.


After ten years of unsuccessful attempts to have a baby, we could only hope for a miracle. And a miracle happened

Journalist and human rights activist Zoya Svetova: biography, activity, photo

Zoya Svetova is a journalist, publicist and human rights activist. An exceptionally pure and straightforward person, Zoya Feliksovna exposes meanness and cowardice where corruption and deception flourish.

30 years were not in vain: the woman repeated the photos taken in the past. How the world has changed during this time

When Lisa Werner was 27 years old, she went to Europe as an exchange student. She is now 57, and she is a successful photographer. After 30 years, the woman decided to visit memorable places in Europe again, bring new impressions and photographs with her, and then compare them with old photographs that cause nostalgia. How has her favorite places changed in 30 years?

What is the output? Definition

The output in books and the media plays the same role as a citizen’s passport. Thanks to them, the reader can get acquainted with the summary of the work, and the advertiser can see the print run of the publication.

"The Most Sad Annabelle": the dentist has not seen such a funny horror movie

Annabelle is one of the favorite and revered horror films for many, as well as the best adaptation of the story about the living doll of all time. For non-horror fans - the film is about a toy that is obsessed with evil forces. Moreover, the cinema version is the prototype of a real trinket - however, in life, the material was fabric rather than porcelain.

Another world record broken: astronaut Kristina Koch became a woman in space with a mission longer than anyone

An article about Christine Koch, who spent a record amount of time in space. What does the astronaut think about this?

For 10 years we had a bundle of a neighbor. Content did not please her children

No wonder wise people say that you need to meet by the clothes, but to see off something - by the mind. Sometimes the appearance is deceiving, and people are all different. The story that happened with our neighbors with our indirect participation, clearly shows that you can not judge others. Sometimes the wrong people turn out to be quite decent, possessing all the necessary positive character traits.

9 things that were not back in 2010, but today they are an integral part of many

Over the past 10 years, thanks to the development of technology, many useful devices and applications have appeared. Today they have become an integral part of life.

Tatyana Danilenko: dossier

Well-known Ukrainian journalist Tatyana Danilenko, who made a name for herself by the age of 30 and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the host of a 52-hour talk show.

Golovanov Andrey Alexandrovich: life path and opinion on the profession of a sports commentator

Andrei Alexandrovich Golovanov is a famous Russian sports commentator. Many people know him as the leading observer of NHL matches at Eurosport 1. In addition, Andrei Golovanov’s voice was repeatedly heard from the TV speakers during live broadcasts of the latest Olympic Games and some football matches.

Alien vacation: Elon Musk told how much the trip to Mars will cost

People are attracted by all the unknown. But if the interest of some fades away after a while, others carry it through life. Sometimes this interest determines the profession of a person. One of these people is Elon Musk. His passion is the Red Planet. Today, he is not only trying to answer the question of whether life is on Mars, but also to become one of the conquerors of the planet.

"That's why you need to study hard": a dirty builder who went to the store decided to answer the offensive phrase of a young mother

People are used to blaming others simply because their appearance is not up to standard. Even the most beautiful people can sometimes not look very neat, and this, as a rule, serves as an object of discussion. But is that right? This man proved that such behavior is fundamentally wrong!

A tabloid is a newspaper. How is it different from other publications?

A tabloid is a newspaper that differs from its analogues in special types of typesetting. To understand this issue, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the publication.

Vladimir Varfolomeev: “I present the main news”

Analytical mind, erudition, emotional intelligence, instant reaction to changes, curiosity, logic, stable morality and excellent conversational speech. These are the requirements for a classroom news journalist. Vladimir Varfolomeev corresponds to this rare set of qualities for one hundred percent. Or even two hundred. Professional, what can I say.

A woman who remembers every moment of her life talks about her first memory: she was then only 12 days old

Incredibly, there are people who remember every day, hour, minute of their lives to the smallest detail! With the power of thought, they can go back in time and look even in their first days on earth, like Rebecca Sharrock.

Alexander Kruglov: biography and work of the writer

In the wake of the revolutionary moods of the second half of the 19th century, a prominent place in literature was occupied by works whose authors are little known. Partly because many of them were not democrats. But, nevertheless, their work carried educational ideals. Among them stand out the Russian writer, poet, journalist and publisher Alexander Kruglov.

Vladimir Kondratiev: biography and photos

In the modern world, being a journalist is prestigious, but achieving some heights in this profession is not so easy. The article will be dedicated to the famous journalist, who began his career in the Soviet Union.

The boy was forced to sell sandwiches in order to earn money for training, and for this he was expelled from school

Every day, thousands of families face terrifying injustices in relation to their economic situation. More recently, in Mexico, one of these cases occurred: a teenager was expelled because he sold food in order to earn money for training. Details below.

Why did the boy Vasya from the Mines, stolen by gypsies, not want to return to his family

At the beginning of the 2000s, a terrible thing happened in the city of Shakhty - a little boy who was only 6 years old disappeared. His mother lost her son in the market, but later it became clear that he was stolen by gypsies. His name is Vasily Musofranov. The boy lived with new “parents”; he was not allowed to attend school; instead, he worked. At 18, Vasily was able to escape from the camp and, thanks to the work of the police, was able to find his relatives. However, happiness did not

A woman fell in love with a bridge and married him

Each of us is looking for happiness and love, however, some people understand success in their personal lives somewhat wrongly. An example is the case of an Australian woman who spoke about her relationship … with a bridge. She married him six years ago.

Yuri Dud: biography and personal life of a journalist

Yuri Dud is a journalist and video blogger, well known in the vastness of the network. This article is devoted to the biography and activities of this person.

How a newspaper from the Russian hinterland conquered Hollywood. Successful flashmob even praised Google

A few kilometers from Chelyabinsk there is a small mining town of Kopeisk. It is so small (population - about 140,000 people) that few have heard of its existence in Russia, not to mention Hollywood. However, for several years in a row they even talk about him, and more precisely, about the local publication, which is in demand not only among local residents, but even among world famous celebrities. How did the editors manage to glorify the newspaper?

The flight attendant put the boorish passenger in place with one phrase. Salon applauded her honest deed

This happened on TAM Airlines. A 50-year-old woman went to her place and saw that a black man would fly next to her. She was madly angry and called the stewardess. She didn't like her, you see, neighbor. However, her boorish behavior was still not liked by others. Of course, what kind of racism is it? However, the stewardess was not confused

Website is always on the pulse of events both local and global

Nowadays, there are a lot of news resources where a huge layer of various kinds of information is stored. However, due to the large volumes and insufficient staff, it is often stated on the pages of such resources of very low quality, and it happens that, in general, is not true.

Happiness against the backdrop of coronavirus: a Chinese couple set an example by playing a two-minute wedding in which only 6 people participated

The whole world panicked because of the coronavirus. People in China are especially affected. Someone follows all safety rules and tries not to leave the house. Others, in such a difficult situation, try to lead a normal life. It’s good that there are couples who prove to the whole world that the desire to be together, to create a family is more important than fear for their lives.

Investing for the good of the planet: tycoon donates $ 1 billion to save her

Although money makes it possible to live carefree, they cannot stop the environmental crisis. In any case, this is what most rich people think, who do not want to invest in saving the planet. But not this Swiss entrepreneur who is willing to give cosmic amounts for our good.

Berlin bridge in Kaliningrad. Berlin bridge collapsed in Kaliningrad

The Berlin bridge in Kaliningrad is not only a landmark, but also a piece of history. Unfortunately, it is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

American professor revealed the true identity of the Antichrist, unraveling the meaning of the number 666

A sensational statement about the personality of the devil came from Cornell University, located in New York. Local professor Kim Haines-Aitsen, an expert on early Christianity and Judaism, has done some research and now assures the public that the biblical devil was never really a monster.

Brilev Sergey: biography, photo, family

Sergey Brilev is educated, charming, intelligent, has an active citizenship. It is interesting to a wide variety of people. Where do journalists like Sergey Brilev come from? The biography of this person is full of interesting facts, but it all began, as usual, in childhood.

Accidents and Incidents

Although the plane is considered the safest mode of transport, aircraft accidents have more tragic consequences. Such incidents are characterized by a large number of casualties, significant damage or destruction of the aircraft, public outcry, and close media attention.

Where and how to find a dead soldier in WWII?

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is a terrible grief, the wounds of which still bleed. In those terrible years, the total loss of life in our country is estimated at about 25 million people, with 11 million being soldiers. Of these, approximately six million are considered “officially” dead.

Converged journalism: concept, types. New technologies in journalism

From newspaper notes, interference on the radio and evening television news, to the era of a multimedia approach, how the phenomenon of convergence in the field of journalism has changed the information field of our time.

Making repairs, the owner found an old suitcase in which lay newspapers and three packs of money

Repair in an apartment or house is a laborious and lengthy process. It is especially difficult to work if a person does everything on his own. It is not in vain that there are judgments that it is easier to buy a new house than to restore what has not been repaired for years. However, our story is about how lucky a person is because he did the repairs himself.

Journalist Olesya Ryabtseva: biography, personal life

The journalist Olesya Ryabtseva became extremely popular and recognizable after her not quite standard broadcasts on the legendary Echo of Moscow radio. But this fame is very ambiguous. She was credited with an affair with the master of opposition journalism - Alexei Venediktov, who, incidentally, is more than 20 years older than the young journalist. Olesya Ryabtseva herself denied such rumors in every possible way and claimed that Venediktov was for her only a leader, colleague, unshakable

Biography of journalist Sergey Dorenko

During his career, Dorenko collaborated with several television channels and did not skimp on loud statements. For ten years of working in a tough, almost aggressive style, he has built up an extremely controversial reputation.

Sports journalist Andrei Malosolov

Andrey Malosolov, his biography, creative activity, business and appointments to high positions. The personality of Andrei Vladimirovich Malosolov, as well as his attitude to world football, scandals in sports.

10 shocking phrases of maniac killers

The article proposes the TOP "10 shocking phrases of maniacs." Each is briefly described, about their life and crimes committed.

He survived in a concentration camp and became a war hero: how are the everyday life of a 105-year-old veteran

Frederick Winecombe, a 105-year-old resident of Plymouth, took part in World War II and was shot dead during an operation called the Dam Destroyers. Despite such a venerable age, a man is full of strength and energy. According to his daughter, he still has excellent health and goes shopping on his own.