
The attacks in Moscow, 1999

Unfortunately, in the modern world the threat of terrorism is becoming enormous. Russia, like a number of foreign countries, has directly touched this problem. Today, kidnapping, seizure of aircraft, explosions in public places are by no means rare occurrences.

The Swiss village is preparing for the evacuation due to the discovered stockpile of ammunition from the Second World War. Cleaning may take 10 years

Despite the fact that the Second World War ended many decades ago, but it still responds with a terrible echo. So, recently in one of the Swiss villages a complete evacuation was announced. People are forced to leave their homes because of the danger of an explosion in an old ammunition depot.

Andrey Karaulov: biography and personal life of the TV presenter

The hero of our material, Andrei Karaulov, whose biography is of interest to a large number of viewers, began to engage in journalism immediately after serving in the army.

What is an airplane black box? What color is the black box of the plane?

A black box of an airplane (on-board recorder, recorder) is a device that is used in railway, water transport and aviation to record information on-board systems, crew conversations, etc. If any accident happened to the transport, then this data is used to find out the reasons.

An ordinary dog ​​from Tolyatti who taught people true love and devotion

Who is the dog Konstantin? Why is he a legend of Togliatti? What happened to the dog and its owners? How did the dog’s life end? Journalistic investigation of the most famous legend of the city of Togliatti.

The man already wanted to go past the old flag at the sale, but noticed something and immediately took out $ 5

Each time we visit the flea market, we hope that we find there something valuable or unusual. Something that can forever change our lives, and sometimes even the lives of other people. As an example, here's a story about a Texas family and an old flag that was recently in America's top news.

Chingiz Mustafayev - life in an instant

In the recent history of Azerbaijan, the Karabakh war left a big mark - it claimed thousands of lives and turned as many people on the run. People still cannot recover from the pain associated with the loss of their near and dear lands. One of such families is the Mustafayevs, where Chingiz Mustafayev was born, a television journalist who, until the last minute of his life, covered the course of the war.

7 reasons to start collecting rainwater: saving on bills, conserving natural resources, etc.

Today, you can get any amount of running water without leaving your home. It is enough to open the tap and draw as much liquid as is needed for watering indoor plants, cooking, washing, etc. Because of this, many do not even think about collecting rainwater. However, collecting precipitation is not only interesting, but also useful.

Photographer Yuri Chirkov made portraits of soldiers before and after the service: what has changed

Yuri Chichkov is a photographer and a man who once again proved that service in the armed forces changes anyone who is drafted into the army. The internal state of a person is clearly visible in his appearance. This is evidenced by the photos in the article.

Essentuki panorama - interesting about the main thing

The socio-political city newspaper Essentuki Panorama is an information mirror of the life of the famous resort city. The newspaper has been published since 1992, and during its existence has managed to gain a foothold in the status of the main announcer of events in the city and its environs.

"I want a gift not from the garbage dump": Netizens are moved by the request of a little girl

Mid-December is the time when the spirit of Christmas is felt more and more every day. The time has come to make wishes and fulfill dreams. This is the time when every child is waiting for magic and miracle. And this story is about a little girl who is waiting for the New Year and believes that her dreams will come true. Her name is Fatima and she grows up in a very poor family.

Kazan newspapers: the diversity of the city’s newspaper space

The article will tell about the newspapers of Kazan, about the history of the development of the press in this region and the modern newspaper environment. The text also provides a list of the most popular print publications of the Tatar capital, describes the well-known edition of Evening Kazan in detail.

Nearly 3,000 Smurfs: a new Guinness record set in Germany

Smurfs are the same people. Only small ones. They live in mushroom houses for 500 years. They love adventure and travel. Never lose heart. Having fun when evil wizards stop pestering them. One thing is bad: there are few women. Maybe good.

The Briton lost his place in the business class aircraft 88-year-old fellow traveler. Soon they found out about this on the Internet

Every day, interesting stories appear on the Internet that make us believe that people have not forgotten how to take care not only about themselves, but also about others. So, a man named Jack, who was flying in a plane in first class, switched places with 88-year-old Violet.

Everything new is forgotten old: evidence of this can be seen on Instagram photos

Mark Twain also argued that there are no new ideas, we simply recycle what others have already come up with. A sobering account appeared on the social network Instagram, which proves that the classic was right. @insta_repeat compares the many photos that users post on the Internet and find stunning similarities between them.

Strange hobbies and hobbies of celebrities

Many celebrities have different quirks. Among them are avid collectors. About the stars that have unusual collections, you will learn from this article.

How Facebook Situation May Lead New Internet Security Laws

Last Friday, Mark Zuckerberg arrived in Paris to meet with Emmanuel Macron, President of France, to discuss proposals for regulating social networks. According to the proposed concept, the state can take proactive and corrective measures, ensuring transparency of the work of state regulators. Social networks, in turn, must ensure the provision of information on the moderation of content, the rules for posting by users.

Flight recorders: device, location on the plane, photo

Flight recorders are devices designed to maintain flight characteristics and negotiations in the cockpit. The device is an electronic unit that records on digital media. The system is reliably protected by a sealed metal housing. Flight recorders are able to spend sufficient time in the most adverse conditions.

Olga Radievskaya: biography of the wife of Sergei Mironov

Olga Radievskaya: biography of the fourth wife of the famous Russian politician Sergei Mironov. Family happiness or marriage of convenience?

Igor Fesunenko: journalist, publicist, writer

The name of Igor Fesunenko is well known to the older generation of people throughout the post-Soviet space. A talented journalist passed away in April 2016 at the age of 83. After the collapse of the USSR, Igor Sergeyevich disappeared from television screens, where he hosted the popular programs International Panorama and Camera Looks into the World.

"Viktor Leonov": why does the ship cause a panic, for what purpose was built, where is it now?

Over the past few years, the Russian reconnaissance vessel Viktor Leonov has increasingly begun to appear off the coast of the United States, which has become a cause of concern on the part of the authorities. Many are trying to understand the purpose for which the ship stops near American military bases and whether it is dangerous. It is also worth finding out where the Russian Navy is located now.

28-year-old inventor introduced a prototype contact lenses that correct color blindness

Color blindness is a reduced ability to distinguish colors. It can be both hereditary and acquired. According to research, for ten men - one color blind. The invention of Canada by Gabriel Mason is designed to help people with color blindness.

Galina Timchenko: the path of a journalist

A bright journalist with an interesting professional fate is Galina Timchenko. She attracts attention with her harsh statements and bright projects. What is the fate of this strong woman?

A letter of request is our emotional message requiring a mandatory response

A letter of request is written only when there is a good reason for this: you need information, documents, financial assistance, any action. Therefore, its text should be appropriate. He is obliged to clearly convey the essence of the problem and how to solve it, a wish or requirement.

Missing expeditions: secrets and investigations. Missing Expeditions of Dyatlov and Franklin

Many missing expeditions are still the subject of investigation today, since the curious minds are haunted by the strange circumstances of their disappearance.

Is a pregnant man true or fiction?

On June 29, 2008, a sensational message flew over the news sites - Thomas Beaty, known as the first pregnant man in the world, gave birth to a baby girl through Caesarean section. Four weeks before this event, Thomas agreed to take part in a nude photo shoot. Then he and his wife Nancy gave an exclusive interview to World News magazine.

Newspaper genre: types and description

Journalism is a diverse activity, which is reflected in the many genres used. The newspaper is the oldest type of media, therefore, it was in newspaper journalism that the genre system of journalism was formed, and basic techniques and methods for conveying information to readers were worked out. Today, newspapers are changing, trying to keep up to date. Therefore, there are new types of newspapers - electronic. They will also have new genres. And we will talk about the traditional types of

Things that should be done at least once a year: take the pet to the veterinarian, clean the water heater, etc.

An article about what things are recommended to do at least once a year. Consider why it is so important to monitor the condition of the teeth and disassemble the cabinets.

The gasman came to check the meter, but the house was abandoned. When leaving, he heard a noise and saved 9 lives

This is a story about how sometimes a case makes us find ourselves exactly where we are most needed. The gasman came to check the counter in the house, which turned out to be long abandoned. But instinct told the man that he should not rush to leave. Hearing a plaintive squeak and going in search of its source, he became the savior of 9 lives.

Men remained overboard: an airplane carrying some women flew into the skies of the USA

On October 21, 2019, Delta held its fifth annual WING flight to celebrate International Girls Day in Aviation. The flight transported 120 female passengers aged 12 to 18 years. The women who organized the flight are working to bridge the gender gap in aviation.

Public Resonance: A Tool for Manipulation

In the media, this expression is used in a completely different, metaphysical sense. When we say “great public outcry”, we mean that the event resonated in the hearts and minds of many people.

Ernest Matskevicius. Persons of Russian television

Ernest Matskevičius is one of the most popular journalists, a news anchor, a participant in numerous shows and the most attractive blond of Russian television.

Kazakhstan News: local citizens are obese

A conference of scientists and nutritionists was held a few weeks ago in Astana. Experts expressed concern, saying that most citizens of Kazakhstan are overweight.

How much does a journalist earn in Russia and the world

How much a journalist earns in different fields and regions has big differences. The average temperature in the room is the numbers that you will learn from our article.

Vitya Katz: the cause of death is established?

On June 11, 2014, a boy of three years disappeared, and only a few days later they found him … What happened to him - read this article!

Leonid Mikhailovich Mlechin: biography and creativity

Leonid Mlechin gained authority with his documentary works on the history of the Soviet Union and its political figures. He devoted his professional career to journalism and worked for several decades in newspapers and weekly magazines.

The door slammed shut and Claire couldn't get home. But she did not have to call the masters, the cat opened the door to her mistress

This day did not portend problems. Claire often went out and went into the house, busy with household chores. And at some point she was returning home, when the door handle slipped out of her hands and the girl was locked in the street. She could not get inside, so Claire began to frantically come up with an action plan.

The first official art posters for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are presented (photo)

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a tradition: to create thematic posters for the new Olympic Games, not only reflecting the uniqueness of sports, but also revealing the national and cultural flavor of each game, depending on the host country.

Journalism as a profession. Key Features

Journalism as a profession allows novice writers to show their abilities, to attract people to world problems, to give people the information that interests him.

The waitress reminded the guy of his mother and how his father kicked out his family 30 years ago

Some events in our lives can radically change our worldview and the way we perceive what is happening around us. One of these stories tells of a man. His father once drove him out of the house, and the experience remained with him for his whole life.

Natalia Estemirova: biography, personal life, family, photo

Natalya Estemirova is a well-known domestic human rights activist and journalist. She was an employee of the branch of the human rights center Memorial in Grozny. In 2009, she was abducted near her home in the Chechen capital and killed. Her body with several bullet wounds was discovered near the federal highway Caucasus. The assassination of Estemirova caused a great political and public resonance.

Leave as quickly as possible: a woman saw a ring on the windshield, but did not fall for a trick

Usually, when a person receives a gift, this is a reason for joy. Therefore, when Sonya discovered a ring hidden under the windshield of her car, she did not even think that she could be in danger. The woman learned the true purpose of the “gift” from her daughter.

State information resources: basic concepts, formation and provision

Modern society is called informational. This is due to the fact that various news and information are demanded goods in the markets. In all areas, information is of particular importance, special systems are created for its collection, storage and processing. The state is one of the largest manufacturers and at the same time a consumer of this database. Let's talk about how the state management of information resources is carried out, how they are provided, are formed

The man asked his neighbor to reduce the height of the fence. However, the return trick made him regret it

A land plot with clearly defined boundaries is a family fortress, which the owner, whether an American or a compatriot, is ready to zealously protect against any encroachment from the outside. Perhaps that is why every second seeks to build a high fence around their sites. When a resident of California (USA) was forced to shorten his fence due to incessant complaints from neighbors, he threw a party with naked dummies on his plot.

Annates Rudman: A Brief Biography and Personal Life

Annates Rudman is a well-known Russian business woman who owns one of the publishing houses in Moscow. Her life is a vivid example of how the mind and perseverance can lead a woman to the heights of fame, and how she is able to withstand even the most severe trials of an insidious fate.

Mikhail Antonov: the path to journalism

Once Mikhail Antonov correctly noted: “Journalists are not born, they become.” This phrase is perfect for his own biography. After all, being quite young, he could not even imagine that in the future he would become one of the most famous news television presenters in Russia.

Disinformation: what is it and why is it needed

Deception is one of the most effective tools invented by mankind to achieve their own goals. Disinformation - what is it in essence? The same deception, prepared and sophisticated, applied everywhere and with amazing frequency.

Husband is Kazakh, wife is Turkish. What does the little daughter of a beautiful couple look like: photo

The girl from Turkey, Ieliz Chakar, did not even suspect that she would marry a guy of a different nationality. But it all happened that way. Now she is Kelin Ieliz Zhakaeva. The girl lives with her husband's family and gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Ieliz told the story of how she came to the status of kelin.

The German bought a ticket more expensive to sit at the window. But, having entered the plane, he regretted the money spent (photo)

Passenger paid more money for a window seat. But I got far from the most comfortable conditions. What prevented the German from enjoying all the benefits of an expensive ticket?

As part of the experiment, teenagers were asked to edit their photos to upload to social networks. The results are alarming.

It is known that the reason for most teenage complexes lies in the imperfections of appearance. What does modern youth want to look like? What do they even change in themselves and to what extent? M&C Saatchi, in collaboration with renowned British photographer Rankin and MTArt, conducted a study to determine the extent to which appearance affects mental health.