
When you feel 15 at heart, but in fact already over 70: elderly spouses decided to rejuvenate and went to a plastic surgeon

Some celebrate anniversaries of life together, gathering friends, relatives. A special role is played by grandchildren, if any. And then everyone rests, relaxes and recalls the old days, because it is known that older people spend more time in the past, in memories, than in the present. But this is true for those who have lived long enough. Another thing is a couple from the USA who met recently. But do not think, they are already husband and wife.

The policeman worked several nights to build a street cat a real mini-house. The favorite of the site was satisfied

This cat lives on its own - and in no way agrees to become a domesticated person. However, she doesn’t refuse the house - and therefore the police of the station to which she had nestled built her own home.

Fraudsters asked the student to transfer money to their account. The guy was not taken aback and circled them around his finger

22-year-old Ross Walsh from Limerick in Ireland decided to play with the fraudster according to his own rules, after he received an email from the self-proclaimed “big business banker” informing about the special offer. A creative student laughed at him, tricking him by 25 pounds.

How Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed: details of the event

One of the most famous authorities in the criminal world, who for several years has been suspected of involvement in perhaps the most high-profile crime in the 21st century - the murder of Grandfather Hassan, was killed in Istanbul. So write the local newspapers. However, members of mafia groups were distrustful of this information, because shortly before that, he had already been “buried” once, and then “resurrected”.

People don’t need as much clothes as they think: a drawing teacher wore the same dress for 100 days

Julia Mooney, a New Jersey art teacher, was shocked at how wasteful people can be when they buy such an incredible amount of clothing. She believes that this negatively affects society and the environment. But instead of just complaining about it on the Internet, she decided not to do something that could encourage others to follow suit.

A woman secretly photographed how a waitress helps an elderly man eat

Have you ever had to visit restaurants or cafes where visitors are served by waiters? To get a tip, they say 10 times: Bon appetit !, and before you bring the bill, they ask: Did you like everything? Of course, this way people just do their job, trying to be polite. However, the heroine of our article, without second thoughts, helped an elderly man eat food, which earned the attention of fans on the Internet.

The Englishman married a Russian, his friends remembered this wedding for a long time

The Englishman Simon Tornell married a Russian woman, although before that he knew practically nothing about our country. At the same time, for the sake of love, he decided on a certain feat, having arrived in a completely unfamiliar country to play a wedding here. Today he sits down on the track, loves Russian borsch, appreciates other traditions. We will tell about his impressions in this article.

Modern achievements of the Crimea. Crimea as part of Russia

According to the Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Polonsky, the main modern achievements of the Crimea are gaining a homeland or returning to Russia. And you can’t argue with that!

Biography of Ali Ferouz, Novaya Gazeta journalist

The problem of obtaining asylum in the Russian state has existed for several decades. Unfortunately, government bodies are too subjective in relation to certain persons. Often this leads to disastrous consequences. This article will tell the biography of Ali Ferouz, the acclaimed refugee journalist who is in serious danger.

Mikhail Zygar: biography and interesting facts from life

Mikhail Zygar … This name is well known to those who are used to keeping abreast. In a fairly short time, he managed to prove himself as an unsurpassed journalist, a good writer and executive editor of one of the Russian television channels. How did he achieve this, and how much effort did he put into his dream? So let's get to know him better.

Alexey Andronov. A few words about his life

Today, Alexei Andronov is one of the most respected journalists in Russia. This was made possible thanks to his high professionalism and dedication.

Plane crash over Lake Constance: list of the dead, photo

The plane crash over Lake Constance in 2002 was a tragedy that claimed the lives of one hundred and forty people. The largest collision of two aircraft in the air was due to a controller error, whose life soon ended too.

The family did not understand him: a Russian blogger spoke about his passion and life

Despite the loud statements about “cheburnet” and the ban on promoting unconventionality, global trends are not alien to the Russian-speaking network. The demand for androgynous, transgender, and other LGBT people on Instagram and on YouTube is unbelievable.

The whole truth about the work and life of astronauts: the revelations of the 63-year-old astronaut

Many people think that the astronaut is in space for a long time. In fact, most of his career takes place on Earth. Space flight is preceded by a long preparatory phase. 63-year-old astronaut Don Thomas during his career at NASA went into space 20 times. Recently, he revealed the whole truth about the celestial profession.

For many years, my grandmother went to the station to meet her husband from the war, and only thanks to her grandson did they finally meet

She was waiting for her husband until the last breath … This is a story about a great and comprehensive love that went through the war, years of suffering and deprivation, but did not die out, but only flared up with renewed vigor.

Letter of thanks to parents: writing style and rules

The moral values ​​and principles of a person largely depend on the atmosphere in the family in which he grew up. Therefore, it is sometimes so important to write a letter of thanks to parents in order to encourage their efforts and inspire hope that they are raising their child correctly. After all, they also want to realize that their work is appreciated!

The story of Elena Suetina

Elena Suetina gained fame on the net, not wanting it herself. Why does the girl still need rare blood for transfusion, although she had an accident 5 years ago?

How to write a thank you note and do it competently

How to write a letter of thanks, express a thought and not be unfounded, tell a lot, but do not stretch the text, and how to contact recipients? An example of a letter of thanks to educators.

The cork in front of the store was the last straw for an auto mechanic from Indonesia. He figured out how to solve this problem.

There is no reason to say that suffering from traffic jams every day is pleasant. Even if you have a whole list of the best music on the planet or a road news radio channel telling very interesting stories, this will not help if you have to sit in a car in the middle of a traffic jam.

Types of Interviews

Any conversation is an exchange of views. At the same time, the interlocutors are in equal positions. But to call an interview an exchange of opinions would not be entirely true, since this is information. A journalist aims to get information, so discussions are often unacceptable.

She is afraid for her future: how does a woman live who believes that she has an “allergy” to Wi-Fi

Technology has completely changed our world. Today, there are practically no places on the planet without telephone communications or the Internet. Many countries are currently investing in 5G infrastructure development to increase connectivity. This is great news for everyone except Rosie Gladwell, a 70-year-old woman from the UK.

Tatyana Lysova and her biography

Journalist - a literary worker who is engaged in journalism. At present, there are a huge number of specialists, some of them are becoming more famous, and nobody knows about some. This article is dedicated to Tatyana Lysova, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Vedomosti.

The youngest parents in the world. The youngest and oldest moms in the world

There is an opinion that the laws of biology do not provide for the early birth of a child due to an unformed reproductive function. However, there are exceptions to all the rules, and this article will talk about these exceptions, which shocked doctors and scientists.

Diocesan Gazette Newspaper: General Description, History

The Diocesan Gazette is a church newspaper publication that was issued from 1860 to 1922. 63 dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church took part in this project. This project was developed in 1853 by the Kherson Archbishop. And presented to the Holy Synod only six years later. The synod liked the idea, and the approval of the program was signed in November 1859.

A woman spends € 15,000 per year on babysitters, branded clothes and gifts: she only spoils dogs and children

For many people, dogs are full members of the family. That is why they are often spoiled no less than their own children. One striking example of this is a British woman named Claire Kelly Johnson. She is without the slightest doubt ready to spend as much as 13 thousand pounds a year on her four-legged pets! Her dogs are much better off than many ordinary people.

Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. Detailed biography, photo

Fate presents pleasant and unpleasant surprises. Often you want to get away from everyday activities and try to find a new, your own way. Each person creates his own destiny. Someone consciously, and someone - how it goes. Gleb Olegovich Pavlovsky looks philosophically at his life, a detailed biography of which is full of ups and downs, sharp turns and inexplicable zigzags.

Khrushchev's daughter Rada Adzhubey: biography, photo

Rada Adzhubey is the middle daughter of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee N. S. Khrushchev. Having received excellent upbringing and education, she worked for more than half a century in the publication Science and Life. Today Rada Nikitichna is on a well-deserved rest. Despite his advanced age, the 87-year-old woman willingly shares memories of her life with reporters.

Russian correspondent Felgenhauer Tatyana Vladimirovna: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Tatyana Vladimirovna Felgenhauer - a child of Russian journalism, a well-known correspondent, deputy. editor-in-chief and bright presenter at Ekho Moskvy radio station. The stepdaughter of the Russian biologist, military observer and journalist Pavel Evgenievich Felgenhauer.

Dushenov Konstantin Yurievich: biography, prosecution, books, films

Konstantin Dushenov is a popular domestic publicist, public figure. At the moment, he heads the analytical information agency Orthodox Russia, he has written a large number of articles on topical topics, books, and several films of a patriotic orientation have been shot.

For more than two years, a resident from the Voronezh region received a pension of 150 thousand rubles

Pensions in Russia are a sore point for many. A resident of the Voronezh region personally decided to increase the amount of pension payments to her father fraudulently.

Analysis of the article: procedure, application

The article will be useful both to professional editors and to the authors themselves. It doesn’t matter what style you work in, write for any source (for a newspaper or website), an independent analysis will allow you to see your shortcomings and increase the professionalism and value of your work.

Elizaveta Listova: biography, family, activity

Listova Elizaveta Leonidovna is a well-known Russian TV presenter and journalist. Most viewers are familiar with it on the programs of the NTV, Russia, TV-6 and TVS channels. Having worked on television for more than two decades, Listova does not stop improving her professional skills and regularly broadcasts new projects.

Taratuta Mikhail, journalist: biography, family, career

The journalist Taratuta Mikhail, whose biography has been associated with the United States for many years, is considered a real symbol of perestroika. He embodied the hopes of the Russians to establish relations with the West, but they were not destined to come true. We will tell you about the life of Mikhail Taratuta and what he does today.

The nurse looked after the newborn. Looking at her carefully, the father of the child realized that he had seen the woman before

One nurse took care of a newborn and for some time did not notice that his father paid attention to her. When the man looked carefully at the woman, he could not believe his eyes. Chance or fate? We ask ourselves this question quite often when we find ourselves in an unusual situation. When the parents of the newborn found out who the nanny actually was who was looking after their child, they found an answer to it.

A popcorn seller built a jet plane for lessons on the Internet. However, he failed to demonstrate the flight: the man was arrested by the police

The path to fulfilling a childhood dream is sometimes quite difficult. A simple seller of popcorn from a small Pakistani village built an aircraft on its own and made a successful flight on it.

How to write a motivational essay?

If you decide to go to work in a serious organization or enter a prestigious educational institution, you will need not only a resume, but also a motivational essay. This supplement is mandatory and should include an explanation of why you will be the best candidate, as well as reflect your aspirations and motives that prompted you to declare yourself.

A soldier went to dinner and met hungry children: he could not leave them

Serviceman Robert Risdon in one of the restaurants committed a worthy soldier deed. At the Taco Bell restaurant, he met two boys who were hungry. One of the restaurant's guests was so inspired by this story that he posted this case on the Internet.

Solomon Khaikin - The Internet Ghost

Everyone is already used to the fact that there are few real people on the Internet, because behind a beautiful picture there is often a completely different person. This practice is extremely convenient for people who want to communicate their sometimes very radical ideas and appeals to the whole world, but do not want to advertise themselves. So, in our country, in the vastness of the World Wide Web, a number of fictitious personalities have been successfully operating, expressing extremely

Odessa refinery: history of development and failure

Recent events at the Odessa refinery are characterized by sad news. In 2014, 4 managers were replaced by the director general of the refinery. Changes in the management of the enterprise were observed in 2015 and 2016. Officially, most of the employees were sent on vacation without paying wage arrears.

Planet Fitness employees in Alaska take to the streets and do good deeds: they can just treat you with chocolate

In order to give joy and good mood, no reason is needed. You can delight others daily, it is not necessary to wait for the holiday dates of the calendar to approach. This can be proved by the actions of the employees of the fitness center from Alaska, who continue to give gifts, despite the fact that the New Year and Christmas holidays have long passed.

The priest from Magnitogorsk was criticized for his beautiful wife. Now the man is looking for a new job

Beauty, as you know, is a terrible force, and its power is so huge that it can easily destroy the career of even a clergyman. Sergei Zotov, who worked in the Magnitogorsk diocese, was convinced of this. Thanks to an extremely sexy wife, the man not only lost his job, but was forced to move from the city to the countryside - a village with the brutal French name Ferschampenoise.

Journalist Andrei Arkhangelsky: career, biography

There are a lot of materials in the piggy bank of journalist Andrei Arkhangelsky on political topics, for example, on propaganda, Navalny and the reasons for his political popularity.

Mother was convicted of wearing a tight dress. But the woman rebuffed the ill-wishers

Do you like to read women's magazines? And how many times have you been guided by the recommendations received in these prospectuses when choosing clothes, a lifestyle, a way of interacting with loved ones? We do this unknowingly, but if we turn our attention to the internal controller, the result may be behavior similar to a challenge to public opinion. This is what Katie Johnson, the mother of three, is wearing a tight-fitting dress that accentuates her not perfect figure.

The incredible story of Natasha Kampush

Many, perhaps, have heard about this terrible and at the same time amazing story that took place in a quiet and prosperous

Ksenia Terentyeva: the last wife of Mashkov

Ksenia Tereyeva is one of several wives of People’s Artist of Russia Vladimir Mashkov. The most anxious and tender feelings that the artist had for a woman, he experienced precisely to Terentyeva.

Ethnographic Review Magazine: Contents, History, Editor-in-Chief

Ethnographic Review is included in the list of leading Russian journals in social anthropology and ethnography. It comes out once every two months. In this article we will consider in detail the history of creation, subsections and achievements of the journal.

The first family in the world to give birth to 6 twin girls - how they live today

The very first gears in the world have already grown. How did their parents survive their childhood and what are they doing now.

Yakut "Mowgli girl" after 5 years: what Karina looks like today (photo)

In August 2014, an incredible story happened: 3-year-old Karina Chikitova disappeared, and the faithful dog Naida stayed with her for 12 days. After the girl was found, monuments were even erected at the Yakutsk airport, and a story that touched the hearts of many people was reflected in the book: “Karina. 12 days in the taiga. " It has been 4 years since then, Karine will soon be 9 years old.

The concept, functions, types of media and their characteristics

Now the entire population of our planet devotes quite a lot of time to following the news. After all, to be aware of everything means to be an advanced person. But do everyone have an idea of ​​what the media are?

The girl quit her job, bought a van, converted it into a motor home and went on a trip

Sometimes one act can dramatically change the course of life. This is exactly what happened with our heroine Lisa Jacobs, who took a chance and did not regret what was done for a minute. The girl lived a full life, she had a mother, an excellent job that everyone would envy, as well as a guy with whom she had big plans for the future. However, the whole life of Lisa turned upside down overnight.