
The reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators in 2014. Bankruptcy of tour operators: who is next?

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The reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators in 2014. Bankruptcy of tour operators: who is next?
The reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators in 2014. Bankruptcy of tour operators: who is next?

Video: LIFE AFTER PI (Official) 2024, June

Video: LIFE AFTER PI (Official) 2024, June

"Everything goes awry!" - so thinks a huge number of citizens who at least from time to time listen to the broadcasts of news channels or view feeds on the network. Not only has the world gone mad, wars are going on where no one could have imagined, some kind of sanctions are being announced, licenses are being taken from banks, and they are still not given rest. Every now and then we are informed that people are stuck in faraway countries penniless and do not know how to get to their native land. This applies to many. And what are the reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators? What did they do to put themselves in a suicide position? Interesting? Let's flip through the press and understand.

Reasons and conditions for bankruptcy of a company, or What is meant


Let's start with the theory. You can’t figure it out without her. To clarify the situation with tour operators, it is necessary to understand in general terms what bankruptcy is when it is declared. We will not go into confusing legal theory and overload ourselves with completely unnecessary terms. In simple terms, the bankruptcy of an organization can be recognized solely by the court. There is a special law for this, followed by a huge number of other acts. And what do the media mean when they tell us about the companies that organize our vacation? Has the proceedings really reached such a speed that cases are heard instantly? Surely not. When the press tries to find out the reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators, it means something else. Just firms can not pay for their obligations. In fact, this is not bankruptcy, but only its premises. Although the customers of these enterprises do not care. There is a court decision or not yet - they want to use a good service, and not to cook at the airport. But in theory, bankruptcy occurs when the debtor cannot repay his obligations with existing assets. That is, in our case, tour operators must quickly sell their property and rescue citizens, and they make a loud statement and wash their hands.

Some more theory


To understand the situation, it is necessary to understand some of the nuances of the bankruptcy procedure. The fact is that a simple statement is not legal. To begin with, a special case is instituted. Installed documents and evidence are collected. All this is submitted to the court, which makes the decision. Before the company receives a paper confirming its complete insolvency, a lot of time passes. Have you heard somewhere that bankruptcy proceedings are initiated against travel agencies? In general, this entire campaign looks strange. Maybe just the terms used are not the ones that are needed? What kind of bankruptcy can we talk about if there is no evidence, no litigation, or relevant decisions? And there are people upset, dejected, offended and deceived. When the emotions subside a little, many people want to clarify the reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators in order to understand: what is it for each citizen personally? Maybe this is the beginning of a big commotion that bloggers compare with the "northern fur animal"?

You can’t argue with the facts

Let's go back a little in time. The press announced to us that companies such as Lanta-Tour Voyage, Aurora Intour, Capital Tour, and several others have already made a loud and terrible statement for customers. There are about ten of them in October. In this case, the reasons for the bankruptcy of tour operators remained behind the scenes. They simply do not find money to pay for hotels or flights, and they are in no hurry to comment on their decisions. And it is good when the insurer reaches out to people. Then they manage to quickly forget about the unpleasant adventure. The only way this summer was not with everyone. Some citizens, according to media reports, had to wait for a solution to the problems on the beach and burn out from excitement at the airport.


Approximately the same emotions are overwhelmed by those who prudently bought a ticket ahead of time. People want to know what is the degree of risk in each case. What to expect from a future vacation? Maybe refuse before it's too late? In general, annoying citizens bankruptcy of tour operators. Who is next, customers want to know.

The opinion of experts: air travel

The expert community has joined the discussion on a pressing issue affecting many citizens. Experienced people managed to find out what they consider to be the cause of the current situation, the fall "below the plinth" of profitability of this type of business. So, Eduard Kuznetsov, the former owner of Megapolus Tours, talks about the fact that “strict rules” apply among tour operators. Each company is forced to reduce ticket prices in order to increase momentum. They book charters in about six months. At the same time, they are forced to “pull out” as much as possible “piece” of direction from competitors.


For example, to pay for transportation to Mexico, today it is necessary to carry tourists with whole planes. Destination is considered expensive, not the most popular. But if you become inferior to competitors, you will fly out of a niche. You have to spend your own money on ordering flights. That is, the client pays for the flight less than he actually costs. Already a loss. But not the last.

Expert opinion: force majeure

There are still factors causing bankruptcy of tour operators. The year 2014 is very difficult in terms of the political situation. Here and there, unrest erupts. Everyone is still hearing the revolution in Egypt, and the Middle East is already on fire, unfavorable news is spreading from that side of the globe. Now Argentina goes bankrupt, then Brazil riots. The world as a whole is not stable. But that's half the reason. More importantly, only specialists can predict a new “explosion point, " and even then not always. Tour operators, even large ones, do not have political scientists in the service (or they hide it). Booking expensive flights for many months, they are very risky.


Money spent, and the direction was dangerous. How many customers will they have left? Aircraft fly paid, but empty. Customers have to refund. As a result, we have bankruptcy of tour operators. The year 2014 clearly demonstrates the incontrovertibility of this rule. The gain in the competition is sometimes a mega-loss and a departure from the business. In addition, the climate also throws out such fortunes, as if acting along with politicians. One flood in Thailand cost many big nerves and no less damages.

Fresh example

Not happy summer has already been left behind, and tour operators continue to burst like soap bubbles. In September, thunder struck for the customers of the St. Petersburg company Versa. The tour operator, whose bankruptcy seemed unlikely, also fell into a hurricane of problems. But this is a big company. According to the "Tourist assistance", in a crisis situation there were about six thousand citizens. They all entrusted their stay to Versa. The tour operator decided not to transfer bankruptcy to the shoulders of innocent customers. He informed citizens that all their obligations would be fulfilled by another company called a partnership, namely Tari Tour. Surely they took into account the experience of the “terrible summer” and found ways to preserve the clientele in a difficult situation in advance, which distinguishes this company from its competitors. The same message says that “Turpomosch” is engaged in the export of vacationers who have entrusted their peace to two more firms: “Southern Cross” and “Expo-tour”. The latter is described in more detail, which opens a certain veil of secrecy. Let's take a closer look.

Expo-Tour is suing Rostourism


This company turned out to be a mess. The fact is that each tour operator must be included in the Unified Federal Register and conclude an insurance contract. These conditions are interrelated. Travel agency does not itself cover losses. Advant-Insurance LLC pays for it, but only if the company is in the specified registry. And Expo-Tour was expelled from it for almost two months (from June 9 to July 30). The cause of Rostourism called non-payment of contributions to the "Tourist Assistance." Customers were hurt in this paper mess. Those who purchased their vouchers during this period, no one is going to return the money. That is, some firms were in a critical situation due to purely bureaucratic slowness (who showed it is not indicated). The case is decided in court.

Let's look abroad

It turns out that not only our enterprises were drawn into high-profile scandals. Scrolling through the foreign press, you can find out that many states are discussing the bankruptcy of tour operators. Who is next, are interested, for example, in European countries. It is clear that our firms do not care about them; they are used to their own. For example, in 2008, Misty Albion was thrilled by the unexpected fall of the XL Leisure Group. Several tens of thousands of clients ended up in distant hospitable countries that did not favor bankrupt. They were rescued by the ATOL fund, which was maintained by English tour operators. This practice turned out to be very pragmatic. In any case, the customers were saved, there were no indignation and scandals. Not like ours. Until they organized "Tourist Assistance", our people were forced to pay for services again. That is, a ticket was purchased, and the company "burst". So pay for the number and ticket, collect the pieces of paper and present them to the fund. Maybe they will refund your money. This is additional running around, which, of course, does not add calm to the atmosphere. The government decided to reorganize our fund according to the European scheme. And not a year passed, when a dozen operators appeared on the verge of bankruptcy. "Tourist assistance" probably already had to spend all the funds raised. Although this information is not distributed.


How can I find out the causes of bankruptcy

If you find yourself associated with an unscrupulous operator and really want to understand the situation, you will have to contact various authorities. It is recommended to immediately write requests by sending them by registered mail. So more confidence that you will get an answer. Well, let’s say you can go to a tour operator. But, as the press shows, they will not really explain anything to you. You can also send a request to "Tourist assistance". This organization is required to have accurate information about the firms with which it works. If the answer does not follow, or it turns out to be unsatisfactory, then Rostourism will remain. Although, on the other hand, is it really so important what happened to the company? It is more important not to fall into trouble again.


Experts have developed a number of tips for those who do not want to hang around the resort as an uninvited guest. They recommend dealing only with large firms, then the likelihood of a refund and assistance will be much higher. In addition, just in case, do not spend all the money. The time now is such that one can only hope for oneself.