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Modern conventional means of destruction: classification, general characteristics, damaging factors

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Modern conventional means of destruction: classification, general characteristics, damaging factors
Modern conventional means of destruction: classification, general characteristics, damaging factors

Video: Part 3. Biomaterials Review 2024, June

Video: Part 3. Biomaterials Review 2024, June

What are modern conventional weapons? This is a weapon that has already become traditional. Mankind has learned to use the energy of explosives, various incendiary mixes, an extensive assortment of ammunition, mines and much more, not related to nuclear weapons, which is rightfully considered the last argument of deterrence. But scientific thought in matters of extermination of all living things does not stand still. Today it has become possible to create weapons at a more advanced, qualitatively new level of efficiency and principles. Classification of modern conventional means of destruction occurs according to their purpose and the damaging effect. What are the principles for using weapons and shells during hostilities?



Conventional weapons

Precision weapon

According to destination

By type

Reconnaissance strike systems



High explosive

Warheads of missiles and torpedoes


Ammunition for small arms

Guided bombs

Concrete slaughter



Aerial and depth charges

Volume explosion

Engineering and sea mines

Subversive charges


According to the principles, characteristics of the impact on objects, fragmentation, cumulative, concrete-piercing, incendiary, ammunition of a volume explosion are distinguished. Such a variety of damaging factors of means of destruction implies a wide range of applications: enemy’s manpower, equipment, strategic objects.



The main feature is the presence of a huge number of ready-made or semi-finished slaughter elements designed to exterminate enemy soldiers. Shards can fly up to a radius of three hundred meters. Of these, cluster ball bombs and high-explosive ammunition are of most interest. In a ball bomb, pieces of metal and plastic of various diameters serve as the striking element. The usual method of delivery is an airplane dropping a batch of these bombs in cartridges of various quantities. It can cover an area of ​​over two hundred thousand square meters. m

A separate variety is high-explosive ammunition, the blast wave and fragments of which destroy large ground objects.


Modern conventional weapons include ammunition capable of destroying armored targets with a directed jet of high temperature gases. The detonation products are focused, burning holes in the metal having the properties of armor of different thicknesses, so their use is also advisable in order to cause fires. As protection, screens from different materials are used, located at some distance from the main structure. The energy of the jet, occupied by burning such a screen, practically does not damage the object having such protection.


Concrete slaughter

In creating modern conventional weapons, much attention is paid to the issue of effective destruction of the entire military infrastructure of the enemy. The sphere of interests of this type of weapons are airfields, communication centers, bunkers and other facilities. The main work is carried out due to kinetic energy and a high-explosive charge, acting in 2 stages. Initially, the main task is breaking through an obstacle. The second stage is an explosion inside (sometimes with a slowdown).


This is a whole range of tools that use incendiary substances. It is no coincidence that the Americans consider it a weapon with a huge psychological effect. This type of weaponry is divided into incendiary mixtures, metallized incendiary mixtures and termite compositions.

Incendiary mixture. The famous fire mixture, better known as napalm. The composition is based on gasoline with the addition of a thickener powder. It has two convenient properties when applied: it is highly flammable, perfectly adheres to any surface. It burns even in water. The temperature that he creates is approximately 1200 degrees.

Pirogel. An oil product to which powdered magnesium, heavy oils, and liquid asphalt are added.

White phosphorus It is used as an igniter of napalm.


Vacuum bomb

This scary weapon also belongs to modern conventional weapons. It is considered the most dangerous invention of mankind after nuclear weapons, but its environmental impact is minimized. Despite all the destructiveness for all living things, it leaves buildings and equipment almost intact, which makes use in conflicts very promising.

Principle of operation. A container is dropped from the aircraft using a parachute, in which a detonator is launched at a certain height, destroying the shell of the bomb. Spraying immediately occurs around the aerosol cloud, which increases dramatically. Mixing with air and, as it were, becoming attached to it, it penetrates into the most inaccessible places (starting from open windows, ending with bunkers). Even in the mountains, in caves, one cannot hide from him. All this time, the cloud is increasing in size. When the desired concentration of the substance in the air is reached, the second detonator starts up. After that, all oxygen is destroyed in the resulting mixture of air and the ejected substance, which leads to the formation of a vacuum. No earthly creature can survive in such conditions.

It's all about low pressure in such an artificially created lack of oxygen. Human vessels are not able to withstand such overloads. Another important advantage is the supersonic shock wave and the incredibly high temperature. Together, all these factors leave virtually no chance for enemy manpower.


Precision weapon

A vivid example is cruise missiles, or, as they were originally called, a projectile. The first developments were carried out since the first conflicts of the early twentieth century. Refers to high-precision weapons as an independent type of offensive strategic weapons. Able to maneuver in various terrain conditions at low altitudes. This makes it difficult to detect. One of the main disadvantages is its price and poor charge power. Given the current trends of scientific and technological progress, the importance of cruise nuclear-free missiles will increase. For the dynamic optimal development of this area, a Global Space Navigation System is needed. At present, the United States and Russia have it. The EU has also come close to completing the development of this program at home.
