
Anna Grachevskaya: biography, career, personal life

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Anna Grachevskaya: biography, career, personal life
Anna Grachevskaya: biography, career, personal life

Grachevskaya Anna is a Russian TV presenter, film actress and writer. For the first time, the public learned about her as the wife of director Grachevsky Boris. Then the girl starred in the film, including in some issues of "Jumble". She is also known for her love of plastic surgery.


Anna Grachevskaya (Panasenko) was born in 1986, September 6. In Kharkov, she lived until she entered the university. Grachevskaya has a younger brother. As a teenager, the girl began to write short stories and poems.


After graduating from school, Anna moved to St. Petersburg, because she planned to get a higher education at the State University of Culture. For several years, the girl studied as a director, and then went to the capital of Russia. At first, Anna worked as a children's animator and corporate leader.


After the wedding with B. Grachevsky and the birth of their common child, the wife of an influential director got a TV presenter on the channel “Humor TV”. Her first broadcast was called “Caution, Anna Grachevskaya”, in which she also acted as a director and screenwriter.

In 2012, Anna made her film debut, playing Gratuita in the comedy adventure movie Stepanitch's Mexican Voyage. In parallel, she began acting in "Jumble", namely in the episodes "Knight's Tournament", "Scream" and "Glutton". In addition, Grachevskaya took part in the popular show “Only girls in the ring”. Later, Anna’s literary talent was evaluated by the Proza.ru website, in the competition of which she was nominated for the “Best Writer”.


Grachevskaya was invited to become a trainer and representative of the All-Russian Center "Academy of Love", engaged in stabilizing relations within families. However, the girl was forced to refuse, because she took up the Music Stars school, which allows children to better learn about the features of the TV presenter's profession. In 2014, Grachevskaya Anna starred in a music video for one of the songs of the Panama group. To date, the girl continues to work on the Russian Music Box channel and conduct live broadcasts with star guests.