
Biography of Ruslan Tatyanin: interesting facts. The book "The best hairstyles for all occasions from Ruslan Tatyanin"

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Biography of Ruslan Tatyanin: interesting facts. The book "The best hairstyles for all occasions from Ruslan Tatyanin"
Biography of Ruslan Tatyanin: interesting facts. The book "The best hairstyles for all occasions from Ruslan Tatyanin"

Many Russian celebrities work with this famous international-class stylist, he gives master classes that are very successful, issues training videos on creating elegant hairstyles, participates in various beauty championships and teaches how to create images in his own school.

He is called a real wizard, radically changing the image of a person. Customers note incredible professionalism and a friendly attitude towards everyone. Masters are envious of a dizzying career, but the “maestro of hairstyles” achieved all the regalia on their own.

Carier start

The story of stylist Ruslan Tatyanin began at age 19, when the young man came to makeup courses. At that time, the first programs appeared that talked about fashion trends; on TV, clips of Russian stars were shot, filmed not in the most professional way. After the young man learns about the famous masters of style, he realizes that he dreamed of just such a job. What could be more beautiful than changing not only makeup, but the whole image as a whole, including hair and clothes?


First teacher

Creative activity has so captured the young man that he enters the Moscow technical school, delving into the hairdressing art and the basics of decorative cosmetics. After 3 years, one of the best graduates comes to the salon to the popular stylist Alexander Todchuk, whose work he always admired. Tatyana admits in all interviews that this was his first creative experience, and a joint activity with a great professional in the field of the beauty industry helped him to reveal his talents.

And still he calls Todchuk his first teacher. He was lucky to work in glossy fashion magazines, which first appeared in Russia, and at fashion weeks in Moscow.

New heights

After 5 years, having learned all the tricks of creating new images, the stylist is invited to the famous company Schwarzkopf and offers a theater company created by Oleg Menshikov as an assistant with Lev Novikov. And when the master is thinking about staging a new play “Kitchen”, he chooses Ruslan Tatyanin as the main artist of the future spectacle.


Later, the stylist explained his departure from the Todchuk salon by the fact that combining so many creative projects was not easy. For Schwarzkopf, he creates several collections of evening hairstyles. The first impressed the audience with the fact that the models appeared in jeans and leopard kokoshniks, and the second told about the history of red in Russia and sang the unique female beauty.

Interfering interior frames

Ruslan Tatyanin, whose biography represents a difficult path from a student to a true professional in his field, finds work in a small Moscow salon and continues to work in it to this day, but appears in it several times a week for regular customers who have not changed the master for more than 15 years. A practicing stylist often lacks creativity, because it is not so often that he is turned to create solemn hairstyles, which he adores.


He admits that the scope of the salon does not allow him to unfold fully, since he comes up with not only unusual hair styling, but also a whole image with an outfit and accessories.

A collection of amazing images

In 2010, he fulfilled his dream by presenting a collection in which each of his hairstyles designated a specific theme and unique style. Ruslan brought to life a project in which he outlined the main milestones of life for a woman, starting from prom, wedding, and ending with elegant old age. By the way, the stylist’s muse was the legend of Soviet cinema Svetlana Svetlichnaya, and in his project she acted as a model.

Master classes

The main areas of work of Ruslan Tatyanin at the present time are teaching at master classes. An experienced stylist shares great experience with his students and spectators and considers such seminars to be a logical continuation of his career. He works as a Channel 1 team on the Fashion Sentence program, transforming gray and unsmiling women and giving them bits of his positive.

Wedding sophisticated styling

For those who love to work with long hair, Ruslan Tatyanin aerobatics is styling for the bride. Not every hairdresser can create a complex hairstyle that emphasizes femininity and a peculiarity of the moment, which should be preserved in its original form until the end of the ceremony. The maestro believes that only on long hair the most spectacular and romantic creations are obtained.


We must pay tribute to the stylist who is ahead of many of his colleagues: he came up with an innovative approach to the collections of hairstyles for all the ladies present at the ceremony. Ruslan offers styling for mothers of brides and their girlfriends, made in the general style. I must say that such a practice did not exist in Russia before.

Hairstyle Books for Everyone

Another interesting project, which the master is keen on, is writing books on creating beautiful hairstyles with your own hands, addressed to both ordinary readers and professionals. Ruslan Tatyanin, whose hairstyles delight both simplicity and complexity, makes it clear that in his books everyone will find ideas for the holiday. He has long believed that all holiday hairstyles are the pinnacle of hairdressing, and modern hair coloring technologies allow you to care for your hair and restore its structure.