men's issues

What is pollution, and for whom is this physiological feature characteristic

What is pollution, and for whom is this physiological feature characteristic
What is pollution, and for whom is this physiological feature characteristic



Very often the next morning, after sleeping, young men find yellowish spots on their underwear or sheet and sometimes wonder where they came from. However, the nature of their occurrence from a medical point of view is easily explained. These are pollutions. This physiological phenomenon is characteristic of male adolescents. Of course, many young men will be interested in learning more about what pollution is.


Pollution is a process of involuntary release of seminal fluid, which usually occurs at night and is often accompanied by erotic dreams. If a teenager who does not have the slightest idea of ​​what a pollination is, has discovered that “white discharge” suddenly appeared somewhere in his underwear, this means one thing - he entered the initial stage of puberty. The emissions disappear when a young man begins to have sex regularly.

Considering the question of what is pollution, it must be emphasized that the above physiological peculiarity can manifest itself not only at night, but also during the day.


At the same time, this type of pollination arises quite naturally when sexual arousal intensifies - it can be stroking, hugging, kissing or looking at a naked female figure. If we continue the discussion on the subject of what daylighting is, it should be emphasized that the cause of their occurrence may not necessarily be sexual “stimuli” - often various emotions, in particular fear, or vibrations that occur during traffic as well as sports.

Usually the first involuntary release of a seed occurs when a teenager is 14-15 years old. At the same time, nighttime emissions are also characteristic of adult men, when they have not had sexual intercourse for a sufficiently long time.

It should be noted that the frequency of pollutions depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a young man, his temperament, body constitution, lifestyle and other things.


As a rule, the physiological phenomenon under consideration manifests itself with an interval of ten to sixty days. In some cases, a healthy man may not have a pollution in principle.

This physiological feature of the male body should not be considered as something abnormal and unnatural - this is primarily one of the confirmations of the normal development of the sex glands.

However, if the pollutions, the causes of which were listed above, appear more often than usual (several times a day), this may be a sign of diseases of the reproductive system. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor who will provide qualified medical assistance.

In some cases, young men after involuntary ejaculation feel a breakdown and depression. The reason for the appearance of such symptoms is that young people consider pollutions to be a form of the disease. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct “explanatory” work with adolescents on the subject of what constitute a pollution.