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Girl with blue hair and blue eyes.

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Girl with blue hair and blue eyes.
Girl with blue hair and blue eyes.

Video: 50 Most Beautiful Girls With Blue Eyes ★ 2019 HD 2024, June

Video: 50 Most Beautiful Girls With Blue Eyes ★ 2019 HD 2024, June

“Girl with Blue Hair” - probably many people remember the image from the “Golden Key”. Most girls, after watching a movie or reading this interesting story, someday wanted to become the same as Malvina.

After so many years, they can finally realize their cherished dream, because now the trend has become bold and shocking images. However, this shade of hair is not suitable for everyone.

Even women of mature age can allow themselves to take such a bold step, most importantly, look accordingly so as not to become a laughing stock for others. Let's try to figure out who such hair is suitable for and how to achieve the desired shade.

A bold step for young fashionistas

A girl with blue hair and eyes the color of the sea will certainly attract the attention of others. The latest trends in the fashion world dictate their own rules, which call for experimenting not only with the style of clothing, but with the whole image. Everyone knows about the existence of blue eyes, but hair with such a shade does not exist in nature. But this does not stop young fashionable women from trying on the image of Malvina.


Psychologists say that girls with a heavenly hair color are bold, decisive, and their nature is creative. Also, in their opinion, they are infantile, but each time, looking at their positive, it becomes more and more difficult to agree with this statement.

A little about blue hair color

For hair coloring, this shade is very extravagant. He will certainly attract the attention of others, but not always the responses will be friendly and enthusiastic. But even so, a girl with blue hair will charge others with her positive mood, as, above all, she was able to get it herself.

When desire is stronger than will, then the choice of shade should be based on some criteria:

  1. How long do you plan to dye your hair blue? A week, a month, half a year, or maybe a whole year or more?

  2. Determine the correct shade in advance that suits your skin type.

  3. You should be ready to undergo a cruel and non-sparing procedure for the health of your hair - discoloration.

  4. Get ready for the fact that a blue shade of hair will require a radical change in image, starting with make-up and ending with the style of clothing. So think about it in advance.

  5. You must remember that such a shade should correspond and not harm the chosen profession.

Some rules

Girls with blue hair should not forget that their image should be harmonious. For example, a hairstyle with such a shade under a red dress will look funny and ridiculous. Therefore, in clothes you must adhere to light and cold shades. For expressive accents, use bright colors. For example, an orange belt or bracelet will suit a pale blue dress.

Attention should be paid to the make-up, since the use of warm shades is not suitable for blue hair.


A girl with blue hair by itself looks creative and extraordinary. Of course, to say that the shade is suitable for any girl is impossible, but why not take a chance and open yourself up for experiments, especially if you have a great desire?

Girls with blue hair. Art on the topic

Beautiful girl with a heavenly shade of hair and a red pet - in the picture below.


And here is another talented art drawing, where the blue shade of hair smoothly turns into blue. By the way, this is a great idea for coloring! It can be said that this is a marine variation of the ambre style, so fashionable recently.



The fastest and easiest solution is to dye your hair in a plain color. If you are the owner of long and thick curls, then the blue color of your hair will turn you into a fairy fairy. Believe me, this image will not be left without attention and others will remember your person for a long time.

Do you want to dye your hair blue, but doubt that it will suit your face and skin tone? Then full coloring of the strands will not work for you. Try to emphasize without resorting to radical measures. For example, you can paint in this heavenly color only one lock. This option will be harmonious for a girl with blue eyes and blond hair.

The most popular idea among the younger generation is staining only the tips. This variation will be a great way to show the world your personality.

Staining and care

Each girl with blue hair should know several rules that will help complete her image and make the color more saturated:

  1. If your shade was dark before staining, then you probably went through the lightening procedure. Do not forget to remove the yellowness from the roots, so you will ensure a uniform blue color along the entire length of the hair.

  2. In order to refresh the heavenly shade, from time to time remember the existence of tint balms. Blue dye has a minus: it is quickly washed off, and after that the hair becomes dull. To avoid this problem, use tint balms about 2-3 times a month.

  3. Once again, I want to remind you that when you change the natural color of the hair to blue, you will have to reconsider your image. If before you did makeup only in warm colors, now cold ones will come to replace them, since they are in the best harmony with the chosen shade. This also applies to accessories and clothing. If you turned into a girl with blue hair, then forever forget about the existence of red. Even if it’s a handbag or shoes. Against the background of hair, they will look funny and rustic.

  4. If the realization of a dream to dye your hair blue is planned for only 1 day, then use the services of special crayons, spray cans and mascara. They will help to quickly achieve the desired color, and in the morning you will be the same as before.

Celebrities and "their colored oddities"

The first place in the nomination "Beautiful Girls with Blue Hair" can rightfully be awarded to Katy Perry. What images this singer did not surprise the public with! Not a single event is possible without her participation, even if it is a private party. And her every exit becomes an intrigue, since no one knows with what hair color, hairstyle and makeup Katie will appear.


Her personality can be described in two words - stylish and extravagant. In 2010, her appearance on the red carpet of the MTV Movie Awards caused a real sensation: she was with bright blue hair.


Of course, there is no doubt that this is a wig, but after 2 years she dyed her hair blue, and then starred in this image in an advertisement for the sports brand Adidas.

Recall Paris Hilton. It is very strange that her friend Kim Kardashian did not invite this famous party girl. Paris found consolation, of course, in shopping. Moreover, her imagination led to a wig shop. The socialite for a long time rushed from pink to purple, but the choice was blue.


Who knows, maybe soon she will really try on the image of the “secular Malvina”.