
Dragon Tree - Mysterious Tropic Plant

Dragon Tree - Mysterious Tropic Plant
Dragon Tree - Mysterious Tropic Plant

Video: Dragon Tree Branching Out with Multiple Heads - How Long You Have to Wait 2024, June

Video: Dragon Tree Branching Out with Multiple Heads - How Long You Have to Wait 2024, June

In the world there are so many plants that cause interest and surprise. These include the dragon tree that grows on islands in southeast Asia and in Africa. It belongs to the genus Dracaena, which has about 150 species of plants, of which only 6 are tree-like. Dragon trees grow to enormous size, their height reaches 20 m, and the width of the trunk at the base is about 5 m.


Very interesting legends about the origin of the tree dracaena have reached our time. According to the Indian version, in ancient times, a dragon settled in the Arabian Sea, attacking elephants and drinking all the blood from them. But once a dying elephant fell on his killer, crushing him under him. Since then, the resin that the dragon tree exudes is called dragon blood.

There is also the Aztec version, according to which the daughter of the high priest and a simple warrior fell in love with each other. The young man understood that he was not a couple of such an enviable bride, but nevertheless asked the priest for her hands. The girl’s father in anger stuck a dry stick into the ground and ordered the groom to walk and water it for five days, if she comes to life, he will give his daughter, and if not, he will sacrifice the warrior. The young man understood that death was near, but nevertheless watered the stick, and on the fourth day a miracle happened - a leaf appeared, and the next morning it was completely covered with greenery. Since then, dragon dracaena is considered a tree of lovers, even today it is customary to give souvenirs made from it to its soul mates.

This plant was discovered by scientists in the Middle Ages, but excavations in the Canary Islands showed that its resin was used in prehistoric burials, presumably for embalming the bodies. In ancient times, the dragon tree was considered half animal, and half plant, and all because of its juice. By itself, it is transparent, but when exposed to air in a short time, it turns red, which believers considered blood. Therefore, many peoples worshiped this amazing plant.


As with any living creature, the life of a tree dracaena is clearly delimited into three stages: youth, maturity, and old age. The first stage lasts about 30 years, then maturity comes when the dragon tree begins to bear fruit. Old age can last hundreds of years. On earth there are a lot of ancient plants belonging to this species, but it is not possible to calculate their exact age, since there are no tree rings on wood.


The oldest dracaena tree grew in Tenerife, according to the calculations of nerds its age was equal to 6000 years. Serifs made by sailors in 1402 were discovered on it, but then it was already huge and old. The height of the dracaena reached 23 m, and the width was 4 m, the trunk girth was 15 m. During a terrible storm in 1868, the tree split into pieces. Now the oldest tree of the dracaena genus is considered to be a tree that grows in the city of Icod de Los Vinos. Its height reaches 17 m, and its age is approaching a millennium anniversary. Back in 1917, it was declared a natural monument.

Dragon tree can be found not only in many hot countries, but also in ordinary city apartments. Of course, indoor plants do not grow huge, but with proper care, caring owners can wait for their dracaena to bloom.