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State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno: description, prices, photos, address. How to get to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve?

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State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno: description, prices, photos, address. How to get to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve?
State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno: description, prices, photos, address. How to get to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve?



In the southeast of Moscow is the largest and most beloved by the townspeople State Museum Reserve Tsaritsyno.


The history of the estate

In 1775, the construction of a suburban royal residence began in the village of Black Mud. The decree on the start of construction was issued by Empress Catherine II.

Initially, the construction of the estate was entrusted to the famous Russian architect V. I. Bazhenov. He decided to step back a little from the traditional classical style and create a new architectural ensemble based on the asymmetry of buildings. As conceived by the author, it was to consist of several small palaces decorated in their own style.

The first was built Figured bridge. It looked like a fortress gate with massive towers and loophole windows. This is a truly unique building of the Russian architect of the XVIII century. In 1778, the Middle Catherine and Small palaces were erected, which were intended for the empress.

At the same time, the construction of the Grand Palace was started, in 1784 - the construction of the Bread House. This building was intended for food storage and cooking for the imperial table. It was also planned to equip premises for servants.


After a preliminary examination, Catherine II was dissatisfied with the work of the architect, and Bazhenov was removed from work. His place was taken by no less famous architect M. Kazakov. By order of the empress, the Grand Palace was completely demolished.

Mikhail Kazakov tried to save a lot from Bazhenov’s project, to find a compromise. To this end, he left the planning structure of the palaces, but additionally imposed some “Gothic” decoration on it. As a result of such an original solution, a new style appeared - pseudo-Gothic; experts often call it “Russian Gothic”. It should be noted that this is the only palace in Europe, made in this style.

But the dream of Catherine II of a new residence was not destined to come true. During the life of the empress, the palace was not completed. And in 1797, after her death, construction completely stopped.

The unique palace complex began to revive only at the end of the last century. In 1993, this historical place became known as the museum-reserve. It was included in the list of valuable historical and cultural monuments of Russia.

Tsaritsyno today

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve has changed in recent years. Muscovites and numerous guests of the capital are happy to relax here. The visitors are impressed by the modern and well-kept museum complex, picturesque ponds.


The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve was also famous for the fact that in the years of the Second World War, in one of the houses, not far from the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, lived the old woman Matrona of Moscow.

The park

From this fabulous place, we recommend starting your acquaintance with the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The park began to form at the beginning of the XVIII century.

Its basis was a regular garden, characterized by a clear geometry of plantings and alleys.

In Catherine's time, the fashion for them passed, the English irregular gardens replaced. To organize such a plantation in Tsaritsyno in 1784, a gardener from London, Francis Reed, was invited.

However, the true heyday of Tsaritsynsky Park came at the beginning of the XIX century. For the design, various "artistic undertakings" were used: pavilions, arbors, bridges, grottoes.

A huge role in the creation of the park was played by I.V. Egotov, an outstanding architect.

Unfortunately, at the end of the last century, the park was in disrepair - it turned into a desolate, untreated forest park.

In 2007, it was restored. He was freed from self-sowing plantations and dead wood. Based on archival documents and archaeological excavations, the historical network of paths and paths of the park was restored.


Ponds of the reserve

“Tsaritsyno” - a museum-reserve, the photo of which we posted in our article, has two ponds - Upper and Lower Shipilovsky. They appeared on the estate by the middle of the XVII century, after the construction of dams on the rivers Yazvenka, Gorodnya and Turtle.

Mills were built on the dams. The ponds formed one harmonious cascade with the Borisov pond, which was created back in the time of Tsar Boris Godunov.

Today Borisovsky and Tsaritsyn ponds are considered the oldest and largest in length and area in the modern capital.

The total area of ​​water bodies exceeds 180 hectares.

Grand Palace

Many guests come to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve to see this monumental building. The Grand Palace was erected in 1793 by F. M. Kazakov. It was built on the site of the old palace, which was built according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov.

Creating a new palace, Matvey Kazakov faced a difficult task. It was necessary to enter a new building into an already existing ensemble.

At the end of the 19th century, the surviving remains of the roof were removed from the old Bazhenov Palace and the towers were completely dismantled. From the palace there were only walls.

The reconstruction of the palace began in 2005. For two years, the picturesque ruins, which were destroyed for almost two centuries, turned into a museum complex.


In 2007, the opening of the palace ensemble.

Today, the restored palace, as if born again. On the basis of the plans of M. Kazakov, openwork decoration of the facade of the building was performed.

The main (Catherine) hall of the palace, whose area exceeds 300 square meters. meters, has a grand staircase and adjoining front living rooms, decorated in the style of the XVIII century.

The hall is decorated with a magnificent statue of Catherine II, made of marble, the work of A. Opekushin.

The remaining halls now house exhibitions with the participation of various Moscow museums.

Small Tsaritsyno Palace

This building is one of the few buildings of the ensemble in Tsaritsyno, which has retained its name since the time of Bazhenov.

The Small Tsaritsinsky Palace is one of three destined for Catherine II. He was the smallest and most comfortable.


In 1804, when Tsaritsyno became available to the public, this building was leased to the Frenchman Lekan, expelled from Russia in 1812, who organized the Coffee House here.

By the middle of the 20th century, only dilapidated walls remained from the palace.

The palace was completely restored in 1996. He became part of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.

Kitchen building

Built by architect V.I. Bazhenov in 1778. It was called the “Bread House”. In the XIX century, a clinic for peasants worked here, and later - a zemstvo school. Then the rooms in the building were rented to summer residents for the summer. After the October Revolution and until the 1970s, communal apartments were located here.

In early 2006, the Bread House was restored. Today it is the main building for thematic exhibitions.

Singing fountain

On the territory of the reserve there is a unique structure that invariably attracts the attention of guests of the complex. It's about the "Singing Fountain." Its diameter is 55 meters. The fountain consists of 807 jets, which, to the sounding melody, simultaneously rise to a height of 15 meters. The backlight totals 3312 lamps. The fountain is open only in spring and summer.


Where is the museum

Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno", whose address is st. Dolskaya, d. 1, always glad to guests. The easiest way to get to the museum is by subway. You need to get to the station "Tsaritsyno". Having gone outside, you should go straight ahead and in a minute you will see the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. You now know how to get here, so don’t delay your trip.

Mode of operation

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve is open every day from 11.00 to 18.00. The park can be viewed from 6.00 to 24.00 hours. On Saturday, the operating mode is extended by one hour. Ticket offices close one hour before the end of the complex.