
Merapi volcano eruption: nearby villages are covered with gray dust, the airport is closed

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Merapi volcano eruption: nearby villages are covered with gray dust, the airport is closed
Merapi volcano eruption: nearby villages are covered with gray dust, the airport is closed

Video: Indonesia village blanketed in ash after volcanic eruption | AFP 2024, June

Video: Indonesia village blanketed in ash after volcanic eruption | AFP 2024, June

Mount Merapi volcano, located in Indonesia, erupted on Tuesday, resulting in a cloud of ash measuring 6 kilometers. This led to the closure of the airport, because the settlements located nearby were covered in dust. Ashes, mixed with sand, fell on the cities that are located within a radius of ten kilometers from the belching crater near Yogyakarta.

“For five minutes there was a strong roar, then I saw a cloud of dust, ” said Jarmaji, resident of Regent Boyolali.

Do not worry!


The authorities did not sound the alarm, however, the airport was closed in Solo, which is located forty kilometers from the volcano. Residents of the authorities were warned that they should not leave the restricted area, which is located within a radius of three kilometers from Mount Merapi. This is due to the fact that the risk of lava flows and a mixture of hot gas has increased, which is spreading with great force.