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Beautiful female Russian names: history, origin. Popular names now

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Beautiful female Russian names: history, origin. Popular names now
Beautiful female Russian names: history, origin. Popular names now

Video: ARMENIAN. // The project "The Ethnic Origins Of Beauty". 2024, June

Video: ARMENIAN. // The project "The Ethnic Origins Of Beauty". 2024, June

There are a huge number of beautiful Russian female names. Our culture has developed over many centuries and has not been isolated from the outside world. Therefore, along with the original Russian, there are female names of foreign origin. They are usually associated with historical events that took place in Russia.

Over time, some names remain popular, and some disappear from use and are gradually forgotten, and then reborn again. Fashion for various names is very variable. The article will discuss beautiful Russian female names that are popular in modern times, their origin and history.


Many names are not truly Russian in origin. Most of them are borrowed from the Greek language during the spread of Christianity.

Before this period, the names of our ancestors reflected various qualities and characteristics of people, their advantages and disadvantages, in addition, they talked about the birth order of children in the family. Such names as Birch, First, Small, Cherry, Fox were common and fashionable in those days.

With the spread of Christianity, all the old Russian female names were gradually supplanted and replaced by church ones that came to us from Byzantium. Among them were both Greek and Roman, Syrian, Jewish and Egyptian, each of them had a certain meaning in their native language.

Around the 19th century, Old Russian names were almost forgotten, and Christian to a large extent acquired the sound familiar to our hearing.


After the October Revolution, names that were associated with the new ideology became widespread: Revmira (world revolution), Diamara (dialectical materialism), Electrina. The names associated with the names of flowers: Astra, Rose, Lily became fashionable.

After the 30s, such familiar Russian female names as Maria, Natalya, Svetlana, that is, closest to the Russian people, came into use. But this did not at all mean a return to church names, most of which remained unclaimed by the new nation.

The origin of Russian female names

With the advent of Christianity, Greek, Roman, Jewish nominal forms came to us. Thus, female Russian names have the most diverse origin. Here are the most common ones:

  • Slavic origin. It is these names that can be considered truly Russian. In the old days there were a lot of them, but only a few have survived: Miroslav, Bogdan, Mlada, Zlata, Bereslav, Rusalin, Zarina, Olesya, Bronislava, Fun, Rada, Veselin, Spring, Share, Ruslan, Milan, Vladan, Snezhana, Vlad, Power, Radosvet, Oksana, Vladislav, Pereslav, Lada, Golub, Yaroslav, Darin, Ore, Miloslav, Stanislav, Gorislav, Esenia, July, Lucery, Milena, Cheslava, Olga, Milada, Darian, Radmila, Spark, Didilia, Jelly, Mila, Rostislav, Milolik, Tsvetan, Malush, Yarin, Lyubomila, Lyubava.
  • Greek origin. They were given most often during baptism, therefore they were very common: Daria, Aglaia, Melania, Glafira, Angelica, Vasilina, Asya, Vasilisa, Angela, Eugene, Sofia, Thekla, Veronika, Galina, Anisia, Ekaterina, Georgina, Avdotya, Glykeria, Zoe, Anastasia, Diana, Evangelina, Nina, Ariana, Evdokia, Elena, Alice, Efrosinia, Agnia, Zinaida, Ilona, ​​Anfisa, Eupraxia, Lika, Inessa, Polina, Elina, Angelina, Praskovya, Irina, Camilla, Alla, Kira, Adeline, Ksenia, Agatha, Theodosius, Larisa, Lydia, Lina, Nelly, Alevtina, Nick, Stephanie, Pelageya, Raisa, Aksinya, A Ulin, Stepanida, Taisiya, Tamara, Fevronia, Eleanor, Aelita, Ella Alexander, Emilia, Athanasius, Emma.
  • Names of Latin origin. The Latin language was widespread, so the names penetrated the culture of many peoples, Russia was no exception. Common Roman names: Tatyana, Aurora, Ulyana, Stella, Agrippina, Regina, Albina, Pavel, Christina, Barbara, Nonna, Lilia, Victoria, Clara, Antonina, Natalya, Lara, Valentina, Matron, Venus, Marina, Karina, Valeria, Marietta, Lolita, Violet, Dina, Inna, Carolina, Ustinya, Vesta, Claudia, Lana, Margarita, Tina, Julia, Vitalina.
  • Jewish descent. Names were also quite common in Russia, the most famous of them - Maria, Amalia, Ada, Elizabeth, Anna, Edita, Leah, Jeanne, Marianne, Marta, Susanna, Rimma, Yana, Seraphim, Evelina.
  • Russian female names of Soviet origin. Most of these names did not take root in society, they were used very rarely, but there are those that were originally composed and became widely known - Madeleine, Stalin, Vladlen, Oktyabrina, Vilena.


Popular and rare female names

Names determine the nature and fate of a person, which is why in ancient times the choice of a name for a child was a sacred ritual, which was called a “gripe”. In modern times, it is almost forgotten. There is such a rule: the coarser a woman’s name sounds, the more strong, courageous and tough the woman’s character will be, and those names that are dominated by vowels most often give their owners tenderness and gentleness.

Russian women's names, like other peoples, have a certain meaning. The most popular female names are: Tatyana, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Daria, Anna, Elena.

Russian women’s modern names are also interesting: Julia, Valeria, Eugene, Victoria, Polina, Vasilisa, Polina, Veronika, Miroslava. It is they who are most often chosen by parents for their daughters at the present time.

Female Slavic names are simple, understandable, which is why they are very popular, for example, Yaroslav, Svetlana, Miroslav, Milolik.


Recently, parents began to choose Slavic names for daughters, which were very rare. Many want to emphasize the individuality of the child, others want to give their daughter certain character traits, and others want to protect the baby (Old Slavonic names have strong energy). Miroslava, Snezhana, Lyudmila, Yarina, Zlata, Lyubov, Milena, Lyubomila, Milan, Vladislav are considered the most beautiful female names of Slavic origin.

Beautiful Russian names popular abroad

Russian female names are very popular outside the country. Some short forms of our names have become full-fledged in other states. For example, the names Natasha, Sasha, Tanya are very common in Brazilian and American society. In Russia itself, they prefer to call daughters according to a centuries-old tradition - they choose either Christian or Old Slavonic names. Parents prefer beautiful sonorous forms, for example Lada, Milena, Bogdan, Lyubava.