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Who is a naturalist, psychological portrait and great representatives of the profession

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Who is a naturalist, psychological portrait and great representatives of the profession
Who is a naturalist, psychological portrait and great representatives of the profession

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Many people love nature, but few have wondered who such a naturalist is. And this term has two meanings.

Interpretation of the term

First of all, a naturalist is a naturalist, a specialist in the study of nature and its phenomena. And in this case, this term is derived from the word nature - nature.

A different meaning of the word is interpreted as a "supporter", and not necessarily in the field of naturalism, possibly in literature or philosophy.


What does he do?

Having figured out who such a naturalist is, you need to understand what such a person does.

A naturalist examines the collected materials, conducts experiments, and even tries to put into practice the results obtained from his own research.

Ideally, all the activities of a naturalist are aimed at achieving higher indicators in agriculture and forestry, in industry and livestock, and science.

Psychological portrait and place of work

But even after understanding the interpretation and meaning of the word “naturalist” and, for example, choosing the profession of the future for yourself, you need to know what qualities such a specialist should possess:

  • a person must unconditionally love the world, nature and animals;

  • have analytical skills in order to be able not only to collect information, but also to draw certain conclusions;

  • such a person should be curious, but at the same time attentive and observant;

  • to be able to remember everything well.

Naturalists, as usual, work as biologists in agricultural enterprises, in environmental institutions, reserves and other institutions.


Prominent figures

To fully understand who such a naturalist, you need to remember famous people with such a profession. It cannot be said that all the results of experiments and conclusions of natural scientists to this day are dogma, but their work is invaluable to society and the development of mankind.

Thanks to the experiments of the English naturalist Joseph Priestley in the XVIII century, it became known that all plants emit oxygen.

Paracelsus, who lived from 1493 to 1541, was not only a doctor, but also a naturalist. It was he who claimed that animate and inanimate nature have the same composition. His experiments and bold ideas made it possible not only to successfully select medicines and doses for his patients, but also gave impetus to the development of the entire medical industry.

Despite the fact that Russia did not previously have a naturalist profession, it is impossible to present a complete list of famous naturalists without MV Lomonosov. It was he who confirmed the theory of the conservation of mass of matter. His studies made it clear that constant changes are perfectly normal for the planet, and they affect the development and modification of animals and plants.

Parsing terms and trying to understand who a naturalist is, one cannot ignore C. Darwin. This man has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the natural sciences. It was Charles who studied the origin of living species on the planet. Over a five-year round-the-world voyage, the naturalist managed to collect many unique plants, animals, insects and the remains of prehistoric animals. All this gave an idea of ​​the prevalence of living organisms throughout the planet. It was this collection that enabled the naturalist to argue that ancient and modern animals are inextricably linked and have a common origin. By the way, the first series of his book was sold out within 1 day, as it appeared on the shelves of bookstores.
