
Mikhail Polosukhin, actor: biography, personal life, children and interesting facts

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Mikhail Polosukhin, actor: biography, personal life, children and interesting facts
Mikhail Polosukhin, actor: biography, personal life, children and interesting facts

Mikhail Polosukhin is an actor who began to act in films quite late. It can often be seen on the stage of the “Theater of the Moon” than on the set. Nevertheless, the audience knows many series with his participation, for example, “Interns”, “Travelers”, “Volkov Hour”, “City of Temptations”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “Queen of the Game”. What can you tell about the star?

Actor Mikhail Polosukhin: the beginning of the path

The artist was born in Volgograd, it happened in September 1966. The biography of actor Mikhail Polosukhin suggests that he comes from a creative family. His mother served in the Volgograd Theater, behind the curtains of which the boy actually spent his childhood.


Little Misha did not dream at all about the acting profession, which at first seemed to him something mundane. At first he seriously thought about the career of an ice cream man, because he loved this delicacy very much. Then Polosukhin abandoned this idea, began to dream about the heroic path of a fireman. Then for some time he imagined himself in the role of a sailor, conquering uncharted lands. However, fate decreed otherwise.

Choosing a Life Path

Only in high school did the future actor Mikhail Polosukhin seriously think about devoting his life to the theater. He had no illusions about what kind of life the representatives of the acting profession lead. He knew that hard work awaited him, made his choice consciously. Mother objected to the fact that the son went in her footsteps, as she believed that all artists had to give up their freedom. However, the young man acted in his own way.


The young man decided to study the dramatic art in his native city. On the first attempt, Polosukhin managed to enter the VolSU; he chose the theater faculty. Mikhail was taken to the course, which was taught by a talented teacher Otar Dzhangisherashvili. The young man received his diploma in 1991, and then proceeded to conquer the stage.


After graduating from VolSU, actor Mikhail Polosukhin quickly found a job. Otar Dzhangisherashvili persuaded the young talent to join the creative team of the New Experimental Theater, the chief director of which he became shortly before.


Mikhail easily managed to conquer the Volgograd audience. They appreciated his undeniable talent and extravagant appearance. Regulars of the New Experimental Theater were especially impressed by the production of “Mad Money”, in which Polosukhin brilliantly played the ambiguous Glumov.

On the stage of his first theater, Mikhail worked for about 12 years. Basically, the actor got the role of negative characters. “Romeo and Juliet”, “Masquerade” - famous performances with his participation.

Theater of the Moon

Roman Polosukhin with the "Theater of the Moon", which continues to this day, began in 2001. Sergei Prokhanov convinced the actor to play in the musical “Lips”, the plot of which was borrowed from Nabokov’s work “Obscura Camera”. In this production, Mikhail convincingly portrayed Gorn, where it all began.


Deciding to move to the capital, actor Mikhail Polosukhin actually began life from scratch. In Volgograd he was a celebrity, in his native theater he was assigned the roles of key characters. Relations yesterday with a provincial "Theater of the Moon" evolved gradually. It took Mikhail several years to become one of the leading actors.

Polosukhin's first major achievement on the stage of the “Theater of the Moon” was the role of Richard the Third in the performance of the same name. Director Algirdas Latenas immediately believed that it was Mikhail who would play this ambiguous character best of all, and he was not mistaken. The role gave the actor not only a standing ovation, but also an Anatoly Romashin Prize. In the future, he was destined several times to receive this prestigious award.

“Natural Extreme”, “Notes of Nino Rota”, “Ruby Tuesday”, “Liromania”, “Bullfight or Roman with a Sleepless Night” - it is difficult to list all the famous productions with the participation of Polosukhin. Of his recent achievements, one cannot fail to note a vivid role in the play "Intermission".


Actor Mikhail Polosukhin, a biography whose personal life is considered in the article, never really wanted to star in a movie. However, the directors could not leave his talent without attention. He played his first role in the series "Two Fates", his appearance in this television project was episodic.


The extravagant appearance of Michael has a direct impact on what roles he is offered. Basically, he embodies the images of ambiguous or negative characters. Often Polosukhin has to play criminals, for example, in the TV show "Club" he portrayed the bandit Kolyan.

All of the above does not mean that the actor has a pronounced role. What kind of heroes he did not have time to play by 51 years. In the series "Ruble Live", or rather in the episode "Glamorous Maniac", Polosukhin perfectly got used to the image of a psychotherapist. The role of the head of the Satanic sect of Scorched turned out to be very vivid, which Mikhail performed in the television project Mad. The ladies man Yevgeny Karasev, the actor convincingly played in "The Wayfarer".

Star roles

When Polosukhin first managed to attract the attention of the audience? The biography of the star indicates that this happened in 2011. It was then that Mikhail starred in the film “A Matter of Honor”, ​​embodying the image of the cruel and imperious drug lord Mikhail Zverev.


Further star roles followed one after another. Polosukhin played in the melodrama "Stairway to Heaven", starred in the action movie "Cool" and the crime tape "Second Love".

Personal life

What information about himself is shared with journalists by actor Mikhail Polosukhin? Biography, personal life, children - fans want to know absolutely everything about their favorite artist. Unfortunately, the star of the film “A Matter of Honor” is more likely to talk about his roles than about life behind the scenes. However, there is still some information.

The personal life of actor Mikhail Polosukhin settled down a few years ago. Daria Goncharova - a woman who managed to win his heart. Actress, director, producer - this woman managed to prove herself in many areas. However, she is best known as the mother of the young actress Taisiya Vilkova. Fame came to this girl when she embodied the image of Vasilisa Bobylkina in the rating television project “Deffchonki”. “Vangelia”, “Fartsa”, “Gregory R.”, “Gogol. The Beginning ”, “ Ilya Muromets ”- other popular films and series with her participation.

It is known that Polosukhin quickly enough found a common language with his stepdaughter Taisiya, they developed friendly relations.

What else to see

In what other films and series by the year 51 did actor Mikhail Polosukhin manage to appear, whose personal life and creative achievements are considered in the article? A list of other film and television projects with his participation is proposed below.

  • "Matchmaker".

  • "Father's daughters".

  • "The Theater of the Moon, or Space Fool 13.28."

  • "Volkov Hour".

  • "Ermolovy".

  • "City of temptations."

  • "Interns."

  • "Brother for brother."

  • "Brotherhood of the landing."

  • "Inspector Cooper."

In the TV show "Queen of the Game", presented to the audience in 2014, the actor brilliantly played Nikolai Petrovich Zubkov. The character assigns a trick to a luxury hotel, which he owned together with a childhood friend. A deceived partner sees the only way out - to lay hands on himself. Many years later, his son decides to get even with a man whom he deserves to blame for the death of his father. To do this, he decides to fall in love with Anna, the daughter of Nikolai Petrovich. However, the young man is unable to resist the spell of the girl.