
Is a nationalist a diagnosis?

Is a nationalist a diagnosis?
Is a nationalist a diagnosis?

Video: A message from the past about the nationalism of today - BBC 2024, June

Video: A message from the past about the nationalism of today - BBC 2024, June

The ideas of "freedom, equality and fraternity", alas, although officially recorded in various program documents of international organizations and constitutions, nonetheless did not become convictions for all people. Probably never will - this is human nature. People tend to be, or at least consider themselves better than others. Rivalry is in our genes.


Sadly, without any other reason to "be better, " people begin to use wealth, race, gender or age to affirm their superiority. A nationalist is a person who is convinced of the greater, prevailing value of one nation compared to the rest. You should not connect this concept only with fascist Germany. Alas, a nationalist is a person with a certain system of beliefs and values, regardless of his political affiliation.

It would be a mistake to consider these people as patriots. Love for one’s country does not at all imply hatred or contempt for everyone else. Unlike a patriot, a nationalist is one who is concerned not so much with the good for “his own people” as with the expulsion and punishment of “strangers”. In the beliefs of such a person there is polarity. His nation is assessed unambiguously positively, all the rest - negatively. Non-existent shortcomings, sins are attributed to them, the fact of a different color of eyes or hair, a different surname and origin is blamed. Recall the sad experience of totalitarian


states. When the idea is born that one nation is an enemy, and it is necessary to eradicate it, or that a people can rule others and subjugate it out of their will. It is then that the deepest tragedies arise. People become cruel and merciless towards their neighbors. Under the "national sign" summarizes all previous conflicts, problems and disputes.

Civilized states currently condemn hate politics. And the nationalist is a supporter of the idea of ​​the superiority of one people and the need to exterminate another. No matter how beautiful slogans these people may hide behind, their essence is inhuman. It can be safely asserted that such chauvinistic ideas take root faster and more efficiently among the poorly educated population. Because it is much easier for people who do not have a deep knowledge of history, geography, and ethnography to suggest that all their problems are caused by the presence of an “alien element”. Recall how during the Second World War, Ukrainian nationalists staged a massacre of civilians (for example, in Volyn). Or Jewish pogroms and anti-Semitism in Russia and Europe. Alas, nationalism is raising its head now. European states are taking all possible measures to eradicate and level any ideas that incite


enmity and hatred. For centuries, Russia has been a multinational state. The richness of its culture is precisely due to the heritage of different peoples. And therefore, Russian nationalists cannot be allowed to direct their efforts to suppress or expel representatives of other peoples. It is necessary to correctly think through and implement a policy of peace and harmony. It is impossible to resist the global trends of internationalization and globalization. Therefore, the only solution to complex problems and conflicts in this area is to educate and promote tolerance and good neighborliness. In addition, it should be remembered that in the field of interethnic relations there is a principle of "both responds and responds." And if we do not want the Russian minority to be oppressed and humiliated in other states, we ourselves also should not allow such an attitude to other nations. Nationalism is a disease that can develop into Nazism, if only political conditions are created. And since in our time there is no stability without it, we must not allow the epidemic to spread.