
Nadia Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes - a history of relationships and interesting facts

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Nadia Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes - a history of relationships and interesting facts
Nadia Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes - a history of relationships and interesting facts

Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva for more than two years hid their relationship. Due to their popularity, they did not want to draw the attention of journalists to their personalities even more.

Who was the first to be informed in the press about their romantic relationship?

Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva decided to admit to the public that they are a couple through an interview with VIVA magazine. The meeting was scheduled in the center of Kiev in an elite cafe.

The first appeared Nadezhda in a snow-white shirt, short shorts and high heels. She showed with her whole appearance that she was happy and glad to end the "partisan" game called "Dantes and Dorofeeva - not a couple."

Next came Vladimir. He quickly approached the soloist of the group "Time and Glass" and kissed her on the lips. Already at the table, the singer admitted that in recent months it has become increasingly difficult to hide the fact of a relationship with Nadezhda.

The couple was very worried about how producer Dorofeeva Potap would react to such a statement. Although the singer says that the clause on marriage is not spelled out in the contract, the fear of an unknown reaction from the authorities remained.

How did the couple meet?

Dantes said that a close acquaintance occurred on their train. Then many Ukrainian artists rode in the same car to shoot the Golden Gramophone. Vladimir has long been familiar with the member of the group “Time and Glass” Positive and went to his compartment to pass the time for communication. Dorofeeva also rode there.


At first glance, the singer realized that Nadia was his fate. Without hesitation, the singer, leaving, informed the girl that she would become his wife. The singer was shocked by such a statement, because she had been dating the young man at that time for 4 years. However, the pair exchanged contacts.

Positive then admitted to Vladimir that the relationship between Hope and her beloved is strained and literally hang by a thread. The singer gave such a statement decisiveness and self-confidence. He realized that he would seek reciprocity.

What happened next?

A concert was given upon arrival, and the artists then celebrated the event at a party. The guys were checked into the Orlovka hotel, and the girls were taken to a hotel in Simferopol. In the morning, Dorofeeva woke up with a crazy desire for Dantes to call her.

After some time, an SMS came from him. In it, a young man wrote that he spent the whole evening watching a film and missed her madly. After that, a member of the group "Time and Glass" realized that she really likes the guy and she wants to develop a relationship with him.

On the same day, the girl called her young man and announced the separation. At that time, Nadia was not sure about the continuation of the relationship with the singer, but she definitely decided to start her personal life from scratch.

When did you start living together?

The couple admitted that they began to dwell under one roof a week after meeting. Vladimir believes that young people should check their feelings in everyday life and did not delay it. Long dates and the “candy-bouquet” period were not considered by him.


At first, Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva lived in the girl’s apartment, but then the singer convinced her to move to him, because his area was much calmer and quieter. Also, the young man believes that a woman should come to the man’s house.

The guy had to quickly meet the singer’s mother. She found him in her daughter’s apartment in one of her parishes. They quickly found a common language among themselves, and the future mother-in-law approved the choice of Nadia. While peeling potatoes while preparing dinner, they managed to understand each other and discuss the seriousness of the relationship between young people.

How many times did Vladimir make an offer to the chosen one?

A month after meeting the couple went to rest out of town with friends. The singer went away for a short time. The guy found the girl in the restroom, where she washed her hands, and put on his finger a ring of champagne wire. This proposal of a marriage was regarded by the singer as a joke. The wedding of Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva was postponed indefinitely. For the singer, this act was an awareness of the seriousness of the relationship.

Then, in 2015, the young man decided to try his luck again and invited a member of the group "Time and Glass" to a country cottage. There he prepared a romantic dinner, at one point he knelt down and offered to marry him already with a real expensive ring.

The singer accepted his offer with great joy. Finally, people around started talking about the wedding of Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva. But they had a crisis in work, and therefore with money, and the marriage was delayed again indefinitely. Because of this, rumors began to circulate that Nadia Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes broke up.


The guy made the third proposal on the air of one of the radio channels on the birthday of his future mother-in-law. This attempt was the most successful and in the summer of 2015, Nadia Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes played a wedding. Young people did not celebrate this event abroad, but staged a celebration in the suburbs of Kiev in the fresh air.

Vladimir Dantes and Nadejda Dorofeeva: wedding

July 8, 2015 there was a long-awaited event in the life of a young couple. A solemn wedding took place. The "lavender" wedding of Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva took place in one of the suburban complexes near Kiev.

The design of the banquet hall and the ceremony was performed in purple, peach and pink. At the ceremony there were many fresh flowers and, above all, lavender. The girl chose a narrow satin dress with a thin silver belt, which successfully emphasized her waist. The veil was also discreet, but very stylish and restrained, with elements of hand embroidery.


The producer led her to the altar. She always respected Potap and considered him her friend and mentor. Unfortunately, Nadia, her father was unable to attend the wedding, which somewhat overshadowed the joy of the event.

At the banquet, the bride performed a song to the groom, which she wrote specially for him in evidence of her love and respect. The groom and guests were delighted with this act.

How does a couple live after a wedding?

Judging from the interview, young people successfully cope with everyday life. Nadia claims that she was pleasantly surprised when she found out that her husband is an excellent cook. Dantes said that his wife in life does not adhere to her stage image and is a very sweet, sensitive and kind girl.


Also, the guy does not hide that he is often inferior to his soul mate, but does not consider himself henpecked. According to him, Dorofeev is much more emotional than him, the girl needs more time to think about the situation and make a calm decision.

The couple admitted that they sometimes have quarrels, but they do not concern domestic problems. They can argue about music and creative plans. Despite the periodic negative press releases on the topic “Vladimir Dantes divorced Nadia Dorofeeva, ” the couple still live in a happy marriage to this day and do not pay attention to such gossip.

How does a couple share a family budget?

Young people claim that the money earned by both goes into a common envelope. Not so long ago, a couple bought a new car for their savings. Nadia is still in the process of improving her driving skills, but she can already successfully take her friends home after a successful banquet.

The girl admits that she is still uncertainly driving the car and her husband helps her in mastering this process after obtaining the rights. Nadia claims that Vladimir has enough patience for loyal remarks while riding with her, she determines his dissatisfaction only by changing the frequency of his breathing.


Now the couple plans to purchase personal housing. This dream, according to Vladimir Dantes and Nadia Dorofeeva, is becoming more and more real every month.

According to the girl, after the wedding, her husband became even more generous and tries to spoil his spouse with various gifts and trips as often as possible. Now both artists are working in their popular groups and fulfilling contract clauses, thereby actively earning money for a prosperous future for their family.