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After eyelash extensions red eyes - what to do? Causes of eye redness, methods for resolving the problem

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After eyelash extensions red eyes - what to do? Causes of eye redness, methods for resolving the problem
After eyelash extensions red eyes - what to do? Causes of eye redness, methods for resolving the problem

Video: Reasons Your Lash Clients Eyes Are Red! HOW TO PREVENT THIS! 2024, June

Video: Reasons Your Lash Clients Eyes Are Red! HOW TO PREVENT THIS! 2024, June

Lashmake or eyelash extensions is a cosmetic procedure that is gaining more and more popularity among modern beauties. Today, most of the more or less large beauty salons and private masters offer services to create the "eyelashes that you always dreamed about." In addition, prices for such a procedure have become more affordable than some five to seven years ago.


But is it always the result of an expensive and time-consuming procedure will be long fluffy cilia? Poor-quality materials for building, cheap glue or unprofessional, irresponsibly done work of a leshmaker can not only spoil the appearance, but also harm the health of the client. One of the most common complaints after eyelash extensions is red eyes. What to do? And how does the eyelash extension procedure go if the master does everything right?


Technically, the procedure for eyelash extensions is quite simple and relatively safe. But only on condition that it is performed by a good professional in compliance with all safety measures and hygiene rules. How should a step-by-step procedure for eyelash extensions?

  • Before starting work, the master lashmaker will discuss with the client what result is planned to be obtained with the help of building. Before the procedure, makeup is thoroughly washed off, eyelashes are degreased using a special tool. A protective bio-sticker is placed on the lower eyelid.

  • For each natural eyelash suitable for extension, one artificial eyelash is glued. Depending on the desired result, the work of the leshmaker can last 1.5-3 hours. All this time, the client should not open his eyes.


  • After gluing, the master applies a protective coating on the eyelashes and combes with a special disposable brush.

  • Important! Eyelashes do not align and do not cut after extension! The material for the procedure, the master must immediately select the desired length.

  • At the end of the procedure, the client will have another 15-20 minutes, without opening his eyes, to sit under the fan in order to “weaken” the harmful fumes from the eyelash glue.

When the procedure is over, symptoms may appear such as tearing after eyelash extensions, red eyes. What to do in this case?

Redness and tearing in the first two hours after eyelash extensions are a normal reaction of the body. You need to start worrying after this period. It is necessary to observe the condition of the eyes over the next day. If the mucous membrane or eye proteins worsen, or if other symptoms occur, you may need to seek medical help. But if, after 24 hours after eyelash extensions, red eyes, what should I do? The reasons for this reaction should be determined by an ophthalmologist. Before contacting a qualified specialist, you can independently determine what caused the redness, and if necessary, provide yourself with primary care.


Reason number 1: contraindications to build

The first thing you need to know about: the eyelash extension procedure has a number of contraindications. A lashmaker who cares about his reputation will definitely warn about this before the start of the procedure. It is better to abandon eyelash extensions:

  • with regular use of contact lenses;

  • high sensitivity of the eyelids;

  • conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other diseases of the eyes or eyelids.

Diseases can not only cause redness of the eyes after building up. As a result of an innocent cosmetic procedure, most likely, the inflammatory process will begin, accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, pain and discomfort, impaired vision, secretions.

But if there are no contraindications to the procedure, but nevertheless, after red eyelash extensions, red eyes? What to do? The causes of redness can be understood by paying attention to the symptoms that accompany redness of the eyes.

Reason # 2: Allergy

An allergic reaction can occur to materials used for building, that is, to artificial eyelashes or to glue. Symptoms characteristic of an allergy to a particular component of glue for eyelashes: redness of the eyes and eyelids, tearing, swelling of the eyelids and persistent itching. A signal that new eyelashes caused the reaction of the body is most often red eyes, swelling and a feeling of dryness. Pain or itching in the eye area in this case, as a rule, does not occur.


The appearance of an allergic reaction is first of all an occasion to think about the competence of the master who made the build-up. A good leshmaker will start the test by applying a small amount of glue to the eyelid about 24 hours before the procedure. A very good one will agree to stick one or two test cilia a day before the build-up in order to observe the reaction. After a day, if the symptoms of an allergic reaction have not arisen, the master can begin to work. Otherwise, such a procedure is unsafe.

Of course, the best thing to do if an allergic reaction has already begun is to consult a doctor immediately. It is advisable to try to find out what glue and eyelashes the master used - it is extremely undesirable to use such materials in the future.

Reason # 3: The Lashmaker Error

Irritation and redness of the eyes can occur if the master accidentally glued one artificial eyelash to two real eyelashes or natural eyelashes stuck together due to inaccuracy of the lashmaker. After building up, such errors will cause irritation. Treatment, as such, in this case is not required. It will be enough to turn to the master so that he corrects the work. You can determine the quality of work immediately after eyelash extension: for this you need to draw a special brush or wooden toothpick from the roots (bases) to the ends. The procedure is carried out efficiently if the brush (toothpick) freely and easily comb through the eyelashes, without clinging to anything.

It will be useful to control the quality of the work of the lashmaker, evaluating the appearance of the eyelashes. There should be no traces of glue, unevenly sticking out, curves or crossed cilia! Extensions made in this way can damage the natural eyelashes of the client or create conditions for microtrauma. Lucky if there is only the most harmless reaction after eyelash extensions - red eyes. What to do? The procedure for correcting such a defect implies that the wizard should crookedly glued eyelashes to remove and stick new ones, observing the extension technology.


Reason No. 4: microtrauma

A sign of microtrauma is the redness of one eye. Concomitant symptoms: the eye is watery, it hurts, when you turn the pupil there is a feeling that something is interfering, irritation, sand in the eyes.

What is the cause of microtrauma? The fault usually is the poor quality work of the leshmaker. For example, if the master glued eyelashes too close to the edge of the eyelid.

It is possible to injure the eye shell even with protective bio-adhesive on the lower eyelid, gluing it too tightly. Discomfort due to the fact that the edge of the sticker rests on the mucous membrane occurs almost immediately. Therefore, it is better not to endure this entire procedure, but to ask the master to re-stick the protection.

Reason number 5: chemical burn

In this case, the redness of the eyes will be accompanied by distinct red spots on the white of the eye and on the eyelids. When the pupil turns, strong pain occurs.

As a rule, lashmakers warn customers that it is forbidden to open their eyes during the extension and immediately after the cosmetic procedure. Otherwise, if you get fumes of glue for eyelashes, you can get a chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the eye. But getting a burn is also possible due to the fault of the master, if, with too much inaccurate pressure during eyelash extension, the eyelid involuntarily opens.

Is it possible to independently help with a burn and cure red eyes inflamed after eyelash extensions. What to do (photo of the effects of a chemical burn, see below)?


Improper eye treatment after a chemical burn can lead to serious complications, including visual impairment. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a burn, the only right decision is to contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

First aid for eye redness

If the pain is too strong or the redness after eyelash extension did not go away after two days, it is better not to postpone the visit to the ophthalmologist. The doctor will determine the exact cause of redness and other symptoms, prescribe treatment.

In case of complications, the ophthalmologist will most likely recommend removing artificial eyelashes. You will have to do this also in the salon, at the master. It is extremely undesirable to peel off your eyelashes yourself - you can injure your eyelid or damage natural eyelashes.

But what to do if, after eyelash extensions, the eyes turn red and immediately seek professional medical help for any reason it is impossible? How to avoid worsening eye condition? For first aid you will need the following medicines:

  • "Suprastin" or another antihistamine. Take according to instructions if there are signs of allergy.

  • It is possible to improve the condition of the eyes, alleviate swelling or itching with the help of Vizin drops or their equivalent.

  • If red eyes appear when signs of infection develop after eyelash extensions, what should I do? Antibacterial eye drops ("Albucid", "Levomycetin") should be instilled into the eyes, strictly observing the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug.

Folk remedies for eye redness

There are folk methods that can cure red eyes that are inflamed after eyelash extensions. What to do in order to get rid of redness without the use of medications?

The old and very simple method will help: cool compresses - lotions from tea leaves. Cotton swabs moistened with fresh chilled tea leaves or used tea bags for 20 minutes are applied to the eye area. Tea can be used black or green, but without additives and aromatic fillers. It is enough to do lotions twice a day.

Instead of welding, compresses can be done with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Pharmacy chamomile, calendula, thyme, sage - a mixture of these herbs or one of them must be poured with boiling water, insisted and filtered. Chilled broth is used in the same way as tea brewing. Eye compresses must be done for seven to ten days in a row.