
Progressive bloc in the State Duma

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Progressive bloc in the State Duma
Progressive bloc in the State Duma

Video: Progressive Bloc (Russia) 2024, June

Video: Progressive Bloc (Russia) 2024, June

The progressive bloc is a unique phenomenon in the history of Russian parliamentarism. This is the first example when parties irreconcilable in many issues acted as a united front against the country sliding into the abyss of the economic and political crisis. In the difficult conditions of the ongoing World War I, the liberal community tried to share responsibility with the autocracy, but Nicholas II did not want to make any serious concessions, which ultimately led to the loss of supreme power and the collapse of the Russian Empire.

Progressive Block: Background


The creation of the Progressive bloc in the State Duma is a logical result of the socio-economic and political events that took place in the country at that time. The entry of Russia into the World War on August 1, 1914 caused a very bright burst of enthusiasm throughout the country. Representatives of almost all fractions of the State Duma did not stand aside. Regardless of their political views, the Cadets, the Octobrists, and the Trudoviks expressed their full support for the government of Nicholas II and called on the people to rally in the face of danger to the Fatherland.

However, such unanimity turned out to be a short-term outbreak. The war dragged on, instead of the promised victories and the annexation of “ancient Constantinople, ” the army suffered a number of sensitive defeats. The voice of the Bolsheviks not represented in the Duma became increasingly audible, accusing Nicholas II of unleashing a war in the interests of large industrialists and financiers and urging the soldiers to deploy weapons to overthrow the monarchy. These calls took place against the backdrop of a worsening economic situation in the country and a “ministerial leapfrog” in the highest echelons of power. The formation of the Progressive bloc in such conditions was the de facto last opportunity for peaceful transformation to maintain stability in the country.


Process of creation

The unification process was initiated by the congresses of a number of parties, which took place during June-July 1915. Despite the fact that there were very significant differences between the same cadets and the Octobrists, they almost in unison declared that the situation inside the country as a result of defeats on the fronts began to deteriorate rapidly. To stabilize the situation, it was proposed to combine the efforts of liberal forces and to seek from the emperor the creation of a government responsible not only to him, but also to the deputies. On August 22, an agreement was signed between six factions of the State Duma and three factions of the State Council, which went down in history as the Progressive Bloc.

Features of the staff of the Progressive block

The composition of this political association is very curious. Formally, the Union of October 17th was the largest faction that entered it, but a very cautious policy of this association led to the fact that its representatives were more likely to compromise with the authorities than to submit any strict demands to it. Therefore, representatives of the cadet party headed by Pavel Milyukov quickly gained leading positions. Constitutional Democrats saw the creation of the Progressive Bloc as an important step on Russia's path to a real constitutional monarchy. The cadets actively used the possibilities of unification to relay their program requirements, as well as to actively involve representatives of other parties in their ranks.


Also in the Progressive bloc included representatives of such factions as Zemstvo-Octobrists, nationalists standing on a progressive platform, centrists and progressives. In total, in the State Duma, the new association included 236 deputies, and if you add the deputies of the State Council to them, you get a very impressive figure of three hundred people. One of the leaders of the Union of October 17, Meller-Zakomelsky, was elected the formal leader, 25 people entered the bloc’s bureau, of which Milyukov, Efremov, Shidlovsky and Shulgin were the most active.

Progressive bloc in the State Duma: program and basic requirements

The program of the new political association in the State Duma was based on several key provisions. Firstly, this is the resignation of the current Cabinet of Ministers and the creation of a new government, which will not only enjoy the confidence of the majority of representatives of the deputy corps, but is also ready to share responsibility with the "progressives". Secondly, the creation, together with the new Government, of a program of action aimed at maintaining social peace in the country, and a clear separation of powers between civilian and military authorities. Finally, thirdly, the creation of the Progressive bloc in the Duma, in the opinion of its founders, was to become a guarantee for compliance with the rule of law in the country.


Of the specific events that the leaders of the new political entity proposed to hold in the very near future, it is worth noting the solution of the national question in the country. So, it was proposed to equalize the rights of Jews with other peoples, to give wide autonomy to Poland and Finland, to restore the rights of the population of Galicia. In addition, the Progressive bloc in the State Duma almost immediately after its formation raised the question of amnesty for political prisoners and the resumption of the activities of trade unions before the Government. However, even the statement of these requirements caused a tough rebuff not only from the side of the Council of Ministers, but also from representatives of monarchist factions in the Duma.

Crisis and completion

The progressive block had a rather diverse composition, which predetermined serious friction among its participants. The culmination of the activities of this association was the appearance in August 1916 of a number of its representatives against the Government and its leader Stürmer. The harsh criticism that P. Milyukov, in particular, subjected him to, forced the head of the Council of Ministers to resign, but the government line did not change radically. This, in turn, gave rise to serious contradictions between the moderate wing of the bloc and the more radical "progressives". After a series of discussions, the latter left the Progressive Block in December 1916. Before the February Revolution, a few weeks remained.
