
Reconstruction of Notre Dame: strange proposals for the roof of the cathedral

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Reconstruction of Notre Dame: strange proposals for the roof of the cathedral
Reconstruction of Notre Dame: strange proposals for the roof of the cathedral

Video: Vision of Notre Dame: architects respond to international design contest 2024, June

Video: Vision of Notre Dame: architects respond to international design contest 2024, June

The fire in the world famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris became a real sensation. And this is not only a matter of enormous material damage - this is a solvable problem. This event was shocked because the oldest cathedral has witnessed many historical events for almost 1000 years, and for many people it is not only a valuable relic, but also an integral part of their picture of the world. In addition, the main attraction of France was already under reconstruction, so the fire looks strange …

President's statement

After April 15, 2019, before the eyes of the whole world, 500 French firefighters fought the fire that swept Notre Dame, experts calculated the approximate amount of damage. Even the most modest calculations were overwhelming, and this is understandable - the famous spire of the cathedral collapsed, pulling the roof behind it, which has been the basis for it for more than 850 years.

President Macron made the statement expected of him, given that France is the host country of the 2024 Olympics. The head of state promised to restore the cathedral within five years. French Prime Minister Eduard Philippe has announced a competition among architects around the world for the best proposal for the reconstruction of Notre Dame.

Specialists have already made warning statements, calling the promises of the government populist and not taking into account the specifics of restoration work at an object of this "age." And this is true - a hasty restoration can do more harm than good. However, as they say, the "lot is cast", and projects, one more fantastic than the other, began to arrive. Consider these "masterpieces".


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Functional Offers

Sweden, represented by the architectural company Ulf Mejergren Architects, has proposed an unexpected option. It consists in the fact that the roof - the basis for the spire, familiar to both connoisseurs of ancient architecture and numerous tourists, should be replaced by a pool. Quite a reasonable proposal, and most importantly - a functional one. After its embodiment, everyone can enjoy a view of the city, swimming in the pool.


Of course, the authors of the project took into account the historical context of the building: they intend to place the statues of 12 apostles (survivors of the fire) around the artificial reservoir - probably as guardians.

The French company Vincent Architectures presented its project "Palingenesis" to the public.

Its essence lies in the fact that on the site of the ancient roof of the cathedral will be erected a structure of glass, oak and special fiber, which is designed to generate solar energy in electricity. With its help, Notre Dame will be illuminated and heated. But that is not all!

It is planned to place a greenhouse with a productivity of about 21 tons of fruit per year on the long-suffering roof. To develop this agricultural theme, a fair will be held every week in the courtyard of the cathedral.

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Penthouse and parking

Do you think that previous projects are too extravagant? Then check out a couple more.

One of the companies, the hallmark of which is the love of creative design, has proposed creating an extremely chic lair for Quasimodo (if anyone does not know, this is the character of the novel Notre Dame de Paris).


So, the penthouse consists of a huge attic (8, 000 sq. Ft.) With two patios adjoining it, a picturesque garden, spa, sauna for taking water procedures and a helipad, since the hunchback is not comfortable going down the steep stairs.

The Irish architect, apparently, does not understand the significance of the French symbol of Notre Dame, otherwise how else can you explain his idea?


Rob Cross suggests parking on the roof of the cathedral. It is a business approach, given the lack of free space in Paris.

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