
Ruslan Kurashov: life without embellishment

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Ruslan Kurashov: life without embellishment
Ruslan Kurashov: life without embellishment

Many lovers of children's cinema remember this brave and courageous little boy who was not afraid to go in search of his father - captain Grant. He was played as a teenager by Ruslan Kurashov. The film "Children of Captain Grant", shot by director Stanislav Govorukhin in 1985, brought him national fame and glory. It would seem that the guy was waiting for a brilliant movie career, but fate decreed otherwise.


Having matured, Ruslan Kurashov chose not acting, but dancing as a professional activity. Probably, the genes affected, since the real father of Robert Grant turned out to be the soloist of the folk dance ballet in Pyatnitsky’s choir, and her mother worked as the host of the program. Fate prepared for the actor hard trials in life, but Ruslan Kurashov steadfastly endures her blows. And today he is struggling with injustice.

Curriculum Vitae

Ruslan Kurashov is a native of the city of Moscow. He was born on February 19, 1971. Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man became a student of the Academy of Slavic Culture, choosing a choreographic department. Following in the footsteps of his father, he eventually became a ballet dancer of folk dance and worked for ten years in the ensemble "Gzhel". After some time, Ruslan Kurashov, whose biography will be of interest to many, went on to dance in the song and dance collective of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Robert Grant"

He got to the cinema thanks to His Majesty Chance. Once, as a teenager, Ruslan went to the Palace of Pioneers, where the adventure cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" was shown. He, like many boys, was looking forward to an exciting pastime. And suddenly an unknown woman approached Ruslan and asked him by no means a trivial question: “Boy, do you want to act in films?”


To the surprise of everyone, he was not very eager to participate in the filming. But mother insisted on it. As a result, Ruslan Vladimirovich Kurashov agreed, which he later did not regret. The next six months he spent in the guise of Robert Grant, having fun on the set in Bulgaria and the Crimea, where nature was picturesque and colorful. But this role was in the life of the first and last graduate of the Academy of Slavic Culture.

Test of fate

In 2004, the actor Ruslan Kurashov started a family, and a year later he became a father. As it turned out, his son Alexander has a serious illness that is practically untreatable. The boy needed constant medication. The wife was on maternity leave, and Ruslan was the only earner in the family. The situation was complicated by the fact that the boy’s health was deteriorating, and there was not enough money for his treatment and daily needs. His earnings as a ballet dancer, despite regular tours, were not enough. Ruslan was desperately looking for a way out of the financial crisis, which overpowered him and his loved ones. He borrowed money from his friends and acquaintances, giving back his salary, and again got into debt. It was a vicious circle, and Kurashov did not know how to get out of it. He issued loans in banks, but this only aggravated his financial situation.

Financial bondage

After some time, the actor who played Robert Grant turned into a permanent borrower and debtor. Unfortunately, Ruslan’s gullibility led to very serious consequences: he was threatened with losing the only housing and being left without a roof over his head. He ran into ordinary swindlers who stop at nothing for profit.


Once he came across an announcement on the World Wide Web, the essence of which was as follows: "A private person will provide a loan on favorable terms." At the same time, it was pointed out that no income certificates were required, it was only necessary to draw up a real estate pledge agreement. The actor intended to open his own business in order to improve his financial affairs. Ruslan arranged a meeting in the office with a certain Andrey. He promised him a loan of 1 million rubles. The dummies (Andrei's assistants, Tigran and Albert) whipped up a loan agreement and a pledge agreement. And in the document for some reason the amount was not 1 million rubles, but 1.6 million. They all explained simply: this is a figure taking into account percent. Monthly, the actor had to pay interest in the amount of 50 thousand rubles, and after one year to pay off the bulk of the debt in full.

But as a lender, the scammers indicated an unknown person - Ruslan Rustamov, who unexpectedly appeared during the transaction. The actor agreed to these enslaving conditions. Over the course of a year, he regularly paid on a loan, with each month drowning deeper and deeper into a debt hole: he borrowed from friends, took money from early bank loans. Kurashov’s business idea went bad, and a year later he had decent debts.


He again searches for loan advertisements and finds a new lender - the M-Invest company. Again loan and pledge agreements were signed, but for some reason the amount not fixed at 1 million rubles, but 3.4 million was fixed on paper. As it turned out later, the first company of borrowers knew the second very well and conducted common business with it.