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“Sap, dvach!”: What is it?

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“Sap, dvach!”: What is it?
“Sap, dvach!”: What is it?

Video: SAP DVACH 2024, June

Video: SAP DVACH 2024, June

Fans of the DOTA 2 game and people who regularly view pages on social networks are well aware of what it is. "Sap, dvach!" became a hit last year and collected an incredible amount of views on YouTube. Only the oldest grandfather in an abandoned taiga village did not hear this song. But not everyone wondered what that expression meant. Let's try to figure out what this "Sap, dvach!" is unique.


The phenomenon of streamers or how to make a fortune without effort

A pretty girl with the right features and a charming smile at first sight causes emotion. A thin, tall and incredibly cute brown-haired woman immediately attracted the attention of gamers. Her live broadcasts were watched by a large number of people. This brought her some popularity: watching a beautiful girl was interesting. But for Karina herself, Sychevaya fame was not enough - her goal was to earn on the stream. Then the idea came to make a real show out of my broadcast. People who wanted to see their text message on a streamer screen had to pay money for it.


An electronic voice read messages and wishes. Sometimes viewers asked to show a heart with their fingers or say hello. But it happened, so they wrote insults and insulting statements about the girl. This infuriated her, and words came out of her sweet mouth that experienced criminals had not heard. Enrage beauty for 50-100 rubles, there were a huge number of comers. Karina screamed, the money was dripping and everyone was happy. Thus she earned a fortune while her fame was at its zenith.


Viral song

Once a girl recorded a video message to users of the 2ch resource. Her speech began with the words: “Sap, dvach!”. What does it mean? Sap is a derivative of the Whats App, which means “what's new?” In translation. It is used as a greeting or just a gesture of attention towards the interlocutor. It is not known what this “Sap, dvach!” I liked the famous YouTube musician Angiojkin, but soon he made a whole song out of the video message. It became viral at the moment and scattered all over the Internet. Both old and young sang: “Sap, dvach! Mur-mur, I'm a lamp-nyasha. " People were interested in the girl with the appearance of an angel, and curious users went to watch her broadcasts. Having found, instead of the lunolic beauty, the dirty cursing madame, everyone began to scribble messages to her and express their opinion. Karina was in seventh heaven, counting the money of naive schoolchildren. During the stream, she loved to include a song and sang to the delight of fans: “Sap, dvach! I'm a lamp-chan. " From the chans there was only a pretty appearance.
