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Modern beautiful Bashkir names

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Modern beautiful Bashkir names
Modern beautiful Bashkir names

Video: 7 Facts about Bashkortostan 2024, June

Video: 7 Facts about Bashkortostan 2024, June

The Bashkir language belongs to the Turkic family. Therefore, many Bashkir names have significant similarities with the Tatar ones. However, in addition to linguistic kinship, there is cultural and religious kinship. Therefore, modern Bashkir names in large part come from the Arabic and Persian languages. There is also a certain percentage of purely Turkic names - traditional and newly formed. Below we give a list of the most common names that circulate among the Bashkirs.


List of names

The list we provide contains far from all Bashkir names. There are a lot of them, and we will limit ourselves to the most characteristic and popular of them. In addition, in different dialects and dialects, Bashkir names may vary somewhat in spelling and pronunciation. The form in which the names will be given below is based on the traditional practice of transmitting Bashkir sounds in Russian letters.

The list itself will be divided into nine thematic categories, uniting Bashkir names according to one or another sign.

Religious names

Abdullah This is the male name of Arab origin. Translated into Russian means "slave of Allah." Often acts as part of a complex compound name.

Asadullah. Literally means "the lion of Allah."

Batulla. It comes from the name Kaaba - the sacred pilgrimage center in Mecca.

Gabit. This word is called a faithful person worshiping Allah.

Gaden. Bashkir names of boys are often given in honor of any religious concepts and terms. For example, this name is the Arabic name for paradise.

Gazi. In itself, this word means a person who is engaged in a zealous struggle for faith.

Gaifulla. The literal meaning is “the mercy of God.”

Galimullah. Translated into Russian, this male name means "omniscience of Allah."

Zaynulla. Religious epithets, these are also common names of boys among Bashkirs. Bashkir modern names, of course, most often have Islamic correlations, rather than the original pagan ones. For example, this name translates as "the decoration of Allah."

Dina. Bashkir female names also often have religious connotations. In this case, the name is translated as “faith” and has Arabic roots.

Dayan. This is a religious term that has become a name. It means the highest, that is, heavenly, divine judgment.

Daniel This is a masculine name that means "close to Allah."

Zahid. In Arabic, this word is called the ascetic of faith, ascetic.

Zyatdin. This name is another religious term. In this case, it means one who preaches religion. In a word, it can be translated as “missionary”.

Isfandiyar. Name of ancient Iranian origin. It translates as "the gift of the saint."

Islam. Also the female form of Islam. The obvious meaning comes from the name of the Muslim religion.

Ismail. Some Bashkir male names come from ancient Hebrew. This is one of them, and it means "God heard."

Indira. Bashkir girl names are very rarely associated with non-Islamic religious concepts. This name is an exception. It comes from Sanskrit and is the name of the Hindu goddess of war.

Ilyas. Means the power of Allah.

Iman. This is another word meaning faith. But this time the name is masculine.

Kamaletdin. A complex Arabic name that can be translated with the words “excellence in religion” or “religious excellence”.

Kashfulla. Translated as "revelation from Allah."


Strength and Power

Azamat. A name of Arab origin meaning a warrior or hero. You can also translate the word "knight."

Aziz. Also the female form of Aziz. These are beautiful Bashkir names meaning “mighty”, “mighty”.

Leopard. From the Old Turkic language this name is translated as “strong”.

Bahadir. This name is a Persian word meaning "hero".

Zabir. Also the female form of Zabir. It means “firm”, “unbending”, “unbroken”.

Zufar. In Arabic, this name means "winner."

Ishbulat. Türkic name, which literally translates to “like damask steel”. Means a very strong person.

Kahir. Also the female form of Kahira. Means a person who won a fight.



Amir. Also the female form of Amir. Name of Arab origin. It is a term for a ruler.

Ahund. This is a Turkic name, which can be translated by the word "lord".

Banu. Many Bashkir female names, as well as male ones, are associated with the concepts of power and domination. For example, this name of Persian origin means "mistress."

Bika. It means the same as the previous one. But it comes from the Turkic language.

Gayan. This word designates a noble man, an aristocrat.

Ildar. The Bashkir names of boys with the meaning of "master" include this name of mixed Tatar-Persian descent.

Mirgali. Translated as "great king."


Asan. In Turkic, this name means "healthy."

Bilal. The value is similar to the previous name. But the origin of this option is Arabic.

Sabit. It means "strong", "having good health."

Salamat. Masculine name with the meaning "healthy".

Salima. Feminine name meaning "healthy."



Diamond. Many Bashkir names and their meanings come from the names of jewels or words, one way or another connected with the concepts of wealth, abundance and prosperity. This is an Arabic word, also common in Russian and meaning a gem, among the Bashkirs is a fairly popular name.

Accordion. This word is of mixed Arab-Mongolian origin. It means "wealth." Often acts as part of complex, compound names.

Bikbai. So in the Turkic language is called a very rich or even too rich person.

Ghani. Means in Arabic a rich person, usually having some kind of public office.

Dinar. Also the female form of Dinar. It comes from the name of the coin of the same name. Metaphorically means jewel and wealth.

Mysara. It means “wealth”, “abundance”.

Margarita Name of Greek origin. It is the name of the pearl.


Aglia. With the concept of beauty in the world there are so many names of girls. Bashkir modern and ancient names are no exception. This name, for example, means "very beautiful."

Azhar. Masculine names are also sometimes associated with beauty. In this case, the adverb can be translated as "extremely beautiful."

Alice. Name of Germanic origin. Its direct meaning is "beautiful."

Bella. The value of this name is similar to the previous one. But it comes from Latin.

Guzel. This name in popularity may be headed by Bashkir names. Girls are often called Guzels, because it means "beautiful."

Jamil. Arabic male name with the meaning "beautiful."

Zifa. Literally translated as "slim."

Zuhra. From Arabic, this word translates as "brilliant." As a personal name, hints at the beauty of its owner.

Latifah. Another name with the meaning "beautiful."


Plants and animals

Aigul. Very popular name of Turkic origin. It means "moon flower".

AK Bars. From the Tatar language it is translated as “white leopard”.

Arslan. Turkic word meaning lion.

Arslanbika. This is the female form of the previous name. Accordingly, it means a lioness.

Arthur. A name borrowed by the Bashkirs from Celtic languages ​​through English. Translated as "bear".

Assad. Another name for a lion, but this time in Arabic. This word is also referred to as Hijra month, which falls on the time of July.

Gulchechek. Many Bashkir girls' names contain floral themes. Beautiful and modern, they are very popular among the population of Bashkortostan. This option is, for example, the name of the rose.

Ghoul. By itself, this word means "flower." Very often, girls are called by that name.

Gulzifa. Literally means a flower garden. It is of Persian origin.

Zaituna. This word is called an olive tree. As common as a proper name.

Lala. So in the Persian language is called a tulip.

Laura. A name borrowed from the Latin language. Comes from the name of the laurel tree.

Lily of the valley. The name, which also means the famous flower of the same name.

Lei. Hebrew name. Comes from the name of an antelope.

Liana French name. It comes from the same plant.

Milyaush. In the Persian dialect, the so-called violet flower.

Narat. In the Mongolian and Turkic language this is the name of any evergreen tree.

Narbek. Persian name, which comes from the name of the fruit of pomegranate.

Rachel. Hebrew name that means "sheep."

Mignonette. A name borrowed from the French language, of the same name with one flower with a very pleasant aroma.

Personality traits

Agdalia. It means "the fairest."

Agzam. A masculine name that can be translated as "tall." Often used as a component in complex compound names.

Adeline. A name borrowed from the Germanic language. Translated as "honest" or "decent."

Aybat. Arabic dialect, which translates as "authoritative."

Akram. This word refers to the quality of generosity in the Arabic language. As a male name means, accordingly, a generous person.

Alan. In Turkic language means "good-natured."

Arsen. A Greek-born name common to Muslims. It translates as “fearless”, “brave”.

Asgat. Literally means "the happiest."

Asia. It can be translated as “comforting” or as “healing”.

Aslia. Another female Arabic name. Translated as “real” “sincere”.

Asma. Literally means "high." Metaphorically can be translated as "sublime."

Asfat. So called a good, kind person.

Afzal. In Arabic, it means "the most worthy."

Ahad. Translated as "single."

Ahmad. Arabic word for glorified.

Amine. Also the female form of Amine. It matters "faithful."

Bagman. This word refers to a person who is distinguished by goodwill.

Bahir. The word that conveys the property of "openness."

Gabbas It means “gloomy” or “gloomy”.

Fortuneteller. Female form - Gadilya. The name is derived from the concept of justice.

Galiulla This is a masculine name that means a person who enjoys a certain authority among others.

Hamil. This adverb is derived from the Arabic word for hard work.

Ghafar. Means a merciful, prone to forgiveness person.

Hafiyat. Translated as "calm."

Gayaz. Means "assistant".

Gerey. This is a Persian word whose meaning is "worthy man."

Dawood. Hebrew name meaning "beloved."

Darisa In Arabic, this word is called a teacher. It is used by Bashkirs as a proper name.

Dilyara. Female Persian dialect, meaning beloved.

Dilbar. Another word borrowed from the Persian language. Conventionally, it can be translated as “charming”, but in meaning it is closer to the previous name, that is, it means a woman who is loved for her charm.

Zaki. Translated as "virtuous."

Zalika In Arabic, the so-called eloquent woman.

Zalia. Literally "blonde", that is, a blonde woman.

Insaf. In Arabic, this word means well-mannered and fair person.

Kadim. Also the female form is Kadima. "Old", "ancient", "ancient" - this name is translated.

Kazim. The word comes from the Arabic root, meaning patience, and - as a proper name - characterizes a patient person.

Kaila. Female Arabic dialect, meaning "chatty", "talkative."

Kareem. Also the female form of Karim. Represents a generous, noble and generous person.

Clara. Adverb of Germanic-Latin origin. It means bright.

Camal. In Arabic, it means "mature."

Minnulla. This masculine name is given to a child whose appearance is distinguished by a special mole.


Wisdom and intelligence

Aglam. This name in itself means a person who knows a lot. Often used as part of complex names.

Aguila. So called smart woman.

Alim. A masculine name with the meaning "knowing." The origin of the name is Arabic.

Bakir. It means a student, that is, a person who is studying something.

Galim. The Arabic word for smart, educated, learned person.

Galima. This is the female form of the previous name.

Garif. This name means a person who has specific knowledge of something. You can translate it with the word "informed."

Dana This is a female dialect of Persian descent. Translated as "possessing knowledge."

Danis. But this adverb means knowledge itself as such in the Persian language.

For peace. Translated as "mind."

Zarif A masculine name by which a person is called affectionate, polite, courteous.

Idris. Another Arabic word for student.

Katiba. Male form - Katib. This Arabic word refers to a person engaged in writing.

Nabib. In Arabic, it means smart.
